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Astoria was the easternmost kingdom of all the northern kingdoms of the continent

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Astoria was the easternmost kingdom of all the northern kingdoms of the continent. It was inhabited by humans, though it was tolerant of all species, and ruled by a hereditary monarchy—much like the other four northern kingdoms. The people of Astoria were the most distinct of all the people on the continent. They possessed a tan complexion with a rich culture filled with flavorful foods, bright multi-colored silks and golden adornments were often flaunted at special occasions on nearly every part of the body. The Astorians were very proud of their culture and one could nearly always identify an Astorian by their elongated eyes and bronzed skin.

Strife hardly crossed the path of Astoria, as it had a long history of fiercely dominant leaders. The current leader—Queen Astris Defarge—followed the same personality pattern as her ancestors. She was a dominant, demanding and deliberate queen. No one could ever dare try question her authority and no other kingdom dared to anger her.

Although Astoria had few enemies, the kingdom always invested in their military. They possessed the greatest calvary in the entire continent with such well trained warriors, they could be compared to Witchers. Because of their intimidating forces, Astoria had a long history of few wars and great peace.

When Astris ascended to the throne, she was quickly courted to a man from Nilfgaard—in hopes that the southern empire would end its distaste for the north. Unfortunately, the empire did not work like a kingdom and did not care for familial relations, leaving the status of Nilfgaard's relationship with the north, unchanged.

Astris rapidly birthed her heir and a spare, Caira and Ranya, then murdered her own husband in his sleep. Everyone in the kingdom knew she was the culprit, and she was very open about having slit his throat. She did not care what her subjects would think of her. The only reason why she married him was for two things: to mend the relationship of the north with Nilfgaard and to have children. Since she couldn't complete one task, and finished the other—his purpose was fulfilled and his life was no longer needed. Astris was ashamed to have married someone with no ounce of royal blood, however, she was certainly glad he was a handsome man and gave her two beautiful daughters that were well desired once they were of age.

Princess Caira grew up playing with swords and boyish things that many looked down upon. She didn't care for dresses and plaiting her hair, she found joy in riding horses outside with the knights. Astris had no problem her heiress enjoying such things, but, it soon became a problem when those joys became a priority to Caira over becoming the next queen of Astoria. "What do you mean, you no longer want to be queen?" Astris gritted her teeth, her nose flared angrily.

"I want to train to become a knight."

"You are the eldest child of mine. You have an obligation—" Astris began to chastise the girl.

"Let Ranya ascend. She's the one who wants it. She's dreamed of it her entire life. I would like to abdicate." Caira shrugged.

Astris didn't know what to say. In Caira's mind, it seemed so simple. But, to Astris, to the kingdom, Caira was bringing them great shame by not wanting to rule the country. Caira was giving up on her own people, it showed laziness and disinterest—and she was a reflection of her mother. Not one monarch in the entire history of Astoria had given up their position, ever. "I've given you so much liberty, and this is how you repay me? I've let you do what you want, become interested in anything that you desired, and now... now you turn around and bite the hand that hasn't been controlling you your entire life?!" Astris felt she had failed her country and her child. She had given her too much liberty and now she was paying for it. "I won't allow this. I'm your queen and I've said no to your proposition."

Caira's eyes suddenly darkened. She had a terrible temperament, where she'd change mood almost instantly. Caira felt her blood begin to boil. "If you say no, you'll never see my face again. I promise you that." Caira threatened.

"Then go! I'd like to see how you survive outside of this castle, where you've been treated like the princess you are your entire life. And, when you come back here because life is too tough out there, remember that these luxuries come with a price—your commitment to defend and rule this kingdom until your last breath." Astris tsked at her and waved her stubborn child off, assuming she was simply being a brat.

That was 10 years ago.

Caira was now twenty five, and hadn't stepped foot back in Astoria ever since. Contrary to her mother's belief, Caira had adapted well with commoners, and she didn't mind the dirty work she had to do to make a living. With the limited knowledge she had about swords, she sold her sword and became bounty hunter—which was her primary career. She was always up for hire to kill animals, monsters and even other people. Though it wasn't the lifestyle she wanted—which was the nobility and honor of a knight—she found joy in the smallest things of her new life, which she knew was hundreds of times better than if she were stuck politicking on a throne with a crown upon her head.

Besides bounty hunting, she often sold her sword as a mercenary for small battles in other kingdoms. It was dangerous work, but it pushed her to advance her sword skills and riding skills. Sometimes, if the price was right, Caira even would prostitute herself. After ten years of doing such work, she became quite well known in the north for her work and how refined her skills were with a sword despite her thin physical structure. Physically, she still had some aristocratic traces. She still held a thin figure with a cinched waist from the corsets she used to wear under her dresses. She ate in a mannerly fashion and wasn't particularly fond of ale, she preferred more expensive foods, cloth and drink. It was certainly obvious she came from a prestigious family—which only made people more comfortable in hiring her since they never felt she'd try to rob them of their money.

All in all, she was surviving and making a living while making her own choices about her life—something she couldn't do if she stayed in Astoria. That's all she really wanted at the bottom line, to have a choice about her own life.

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