Chapter 40

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-Guardian's POV-

We have been listening to Cindy yelling about how she will KILL The Emerald Steve for an HOUR. She was VERY VERY Angry. She suddenly went quiet and just now starred... "Are you done...? And you okay...." Alex looked at her, concerned. Cindy took a deep breath and nodded "Yeah. Yeah I'm done. I'm okay. I'm FINE!" "Okay. Well... Let's go check out the plains to see if we can find him." Sabre suggested and walked out with us. We searched for a bit before giving up. "I'm gonna search alone for him." Cindy hissed and ran off before any of us could say anything. "I'll go get her." I sighed and ran after Cindy. She was... Rather fast.  But after half an hour I managed to catch up to her and grab her by the shoulders, causing her to yip and almost fall over. "Please calm down and come back with me. We need to stay together." I sighed and turned her around to me. She softly sighed and seemed to actually slowly calm down, as I noticed her expression soften. "Alright... let's go." She sighed and we started to walk back. As we arrived we saw the others weren't here anymore but we heard voices in the lab. So we walked there. And saw... Emerald Steve and the others. Cindy stiffened up and I mumbled "Please relax and stay calm...". She took a deep breath and heard the others say something about getting some fresh air. "Some more fresh air sounds good~" Cindy hummed causing the others to turn around and seeing her walk back up again. We followed but then shoved us down again saying "Fresh air is BAAAAAD! SABRE COME WITH ME FOR A SEC OKAY THANKS!" Cindy suddenly grabbed Sabre and dragged him out.

-Sabre's POV-

What the heck? Cindy just opened the door and... Diamond Steve was there. Now I know why she freaked out like that. Apparently he just "wanted to say Hi". We slowly closed the doors again and walked back down. "Is everything okay?" The guardian asked "Yeah everything is okay! Alex come with us for a lil" I grinned at them and then walked back up with Alex and Cindy and we opened the door, causing Alex to yell "WHY? WHY IS HE HERE?!" I DON'T KNOW! "HE JUST SHOWED UP!!" Me and Cindy yelled. "HOW DID YOU GET HERE?!" Alex yelled at Diamond Steve.  After some talking I told Alex and Cindy to stay with diamond Steve and talk to him while it dealed with Emerald Green. Then the Guardian came up with me to the others, while I gave Emerald Steve the job to patch up the machine. As soon as The Guardian saw Diamond Steve he pulled out the Diamond pick causing us others to tell him to not attack him!
I then also explained that Diamond Steve suddenly was super nice and weird and blah.  After so much talking and telling the Diamond Steve to go away. And Cindy telling him to "Fuck off" multiple times... Alex just closed the door on him and I went down again...
Some more talking blah blah. And suddenly the diamond Steve went down... I tried to stop him by saying "Oh I'm dying" and "I'm badly hurt I need help" but he didn't care. And suddenly... Diamond and Emerald saw each other...

A Unforgettable Quest [A Steve Saga Reboot/Rainbow Quest Story]Where stories live. Discover now