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CL: How's your mom?

Y/N: She's good now, she can go home tomorrow.

CL: That's good to hear, what about you?

Y/N: I don't know honestly! I feel like someone was always following me or watching me, but whenever I look around there was no one, it feels weird.

CL: Did you tell the boys?

Y/N: Nah! If I tell them, they will all freak out, and I can't let that happen they have grammy performance and other more guestings to attend.

CL: Girl they will still find out about it, and you have to tell them they deserve to know what was happening to you each day.

Y/N: I just don't wanna make them worried, I'll tell them once they're back, for now, don't worry I'll be fine.

CL: FINE! But at least tell it to your brother.

Y/N: Fine! I will be with him later, I'll talk to him about it...

CL: Be safe! I swear I feel like it's something bad.

Y/N: I will don't worry. I'll be fine.

BOYFRIEND's "BTS FF" (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now