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A couple of days later, Bill and Dipper started to train again. And unlike last time...it was much smoother especially since Dipper lost that dark side of him. However...this didn't stop Dipper's suspension that there were more emotions in his head that he hasn't discovered...yet. At the same time...Bill was overlooking his empire and felt an urge to shove it in the Cipher Wheel's faces. 

"Pinetree...I'm heading out." Bill Said. Dipper raised his eyebrow once he heard Bill say that since Bill hardly wanted to leave the fearamid unless he had important business to attend to.

"Where to?" Dipper asked.

"I'm going to see some old friends." Bill Said. Dipper slowly nodded and started to head back to the room that he shared with Bill. He hoped that these old friends didn't enjoy seeing the misery and destruction like Bill did, but that was just wishful thinking at this point. 

Meanwhile, The Cipher Wheel walked towards Gravity Falls to see how much damage Bill and his henchmanics did to it before it was cured of all it's madness.

"Ugh...The place smells like iron and urine." Pacifica Said.

"So why can't we all move back into town again?" Robbie asked.

"Because this place needs to be cleared up and repaired. I mean who wants to head back to their home when they have to walk through blood and body parts." Wendy said.

"Plus the chunks of cerment that are cluttering up the streets. Ugh...This will take months to clean up." Stan Said.

"Guys..We need to focus. Bill said that he cleared us of the madness that's surrounding the world, but he may have left some of his henchmanics behind to screw around with us." Mabel Said. Just then...the world turned black and white which made everyone's blood run cold.

"Wow...And I thought that Pinetree was the only intelligent one in his family." Bill said.

"Bill!!! What are you doing here?" Mabel asked.

"Can't I see how my favorite nuisances are doing?" Bill Said.

"Not unless you're planning something." Wendy Said.

"Oh Ice Bag. So courageous and smart. Too bad...I only came to talk to you or else I'll tear you apart limb by limb." Bill said.

"Talk? Why would you need to talk to us?" Gideon asked.

"Why...To see how miserable your lives are of course." Bill Said.

"Enough with the games Bill...Tell is the true reason that you're here." Ford said.

"Oh nothing gets past you doesn't it Sixer. I wanted to make fun of you...all of you for trying to end my reign when it's clear that I've already won." Bill Said.

"Just tell us what you want." Mabel shouted.

"Shooting Star...You didn't need to yell. I just came here to see how your lives are going since old Sixer traded Pinetree for the safety of one town." Bill Said with a smirk.

"Why you.." Ford said before his mouth was replaced with a zipper.

"Finally...Now I don't need to hear Sixer's denials about what he did to Pinetree." Bill said.

"What did you do to my brother?" Mabel asked.

"Oh...I took away and changed some memories around in his head and made him hate all of you." Bill said.

"You're lying. Dipper will never..." Mabel said before Bill started to laugh. As he calmed down...He quickly smirked.

"Oh he would if he doesn't remember all of the good times that you all had together. Now he only knows the bad times." Bill said.

"No...NO!!!" Mabel yelled as tears started to pour out of her eyes.

"Yes...YES!! Pinetree's enjoying his time by my side and is starting to fall in love with me." Bill said.

"If you laid one finger on my great nephew..." Stan started, but was interrupted before he could finish.

"I haven't laid any fingers on him...yet. Besides his love towards me will only grow more and more as the days go by. Not like you can tell since time is broken." Bill said as he remembered destroying that annoying Time Baby.

"We'll get you for this Bill. We won't let you manipulate Dipper." Wendy said before Bill smiled showing off his pointy teeth.

"It's already too late for that. Well...This has been fun, but I have to get back to Pinetree before he notices that I went to see the people that he despises the most." Bill said as he snapped his fingers and went back to Fearamid leaving the Cipher Wheel confused and angry.

But one's thing for sure....They won't rest until Dipper is safe and Bill is destroyed.

Author Notes:

How was the chapter?

Any suggestions?

Bye 👋 

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