19. Kiss It Better

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I rub my arms, absent-mindedly trying to warm them up, as I stare out the window at the blur of colours and bright street lights that is the town of Thornhill.

"Are you cold, Anatolia?"

I turn my attention to River. "A little, but it's alright. I mean, it's expected. It's October and I'm wearing next to nothing."

I hear the nerves in my voice. I guess that's the consequence of being this close to River when he's looking that good. Not to mention I'm lying to my parents and friends by doing this...Mum and Dad think I'm sleeping over at Liv's house and Liv and Lucy think I'm on my way home right now. I guess I'm breaking all the rules tonight.

He glances at me, his eyes fleeting down my body, before turning his attention back to the road. "There should be a black hoodie in the glove compartment. You should put it on."

I raise my eyebrows somewhat at his assertiveness, before tugging open the glove compartment and pulling out a bundle of soft, black material.

"Yes, Sir."

River smirks a little. "Say that with a little more respect and it'll sound perfect."

"Respect has to be earned, Kavinsky."

River lets out a low whistle. "It's a good thing you look so fucking cute tonight, Anatolia."

I tug the hoodie over my head and try not to focus too much on how I'm now enveloped in his scent. I look down at it and see that Heathen is embroidered across it in small, white writing.

I bask in its warmth and softly sing, "Thank you, River."

"Don't mention it." He responds in a gentle tone- one I've never heard from him before.

We're close to Dallas' home now. I stare out at the abundance of pearly gates and six figure cars we're passing.

I turn to River, hesitate, and then ask, "Will your friends be okay with me being at this thing?"

"It's Dallas' home, and he thinks you're sweet. If anyone else there has a problem, they can take it up with me when you're not around."

I find this rather reassuring, especially since we've just pulled into Dallas' driveway.

"I'm guessing the probability of that happening is next to none."

"Your maths is perfect, as always." River drawls, turning to me and sending me a smile; it's kind of a gorgeous sight. "Well, almost. Your calculation for that six-mark question on the latest bio test...Ouch."

River turns the engine off, and climbs out of his Ferrari into the dark.

I scramble out after him. "What? What do you mean by 'Ouch'? What did I do wrong? And why are you spying on my answers anyway you little cheat?!"

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