Chapter 20(Decisions can be some of the Most Difficult Things to Make)

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I'm so sorry for the wait.

Peter waited until Iron Man disappeared behind some of New York's high rises before he began swinging to the Avengers Tower. He still wasn't quite sure if he should trust the Avengers. But he also couldn't keep running forever. Well, he probably could but then he would have to stop being Spiderman and that was just not happening. Or he would have to move far away and change his suit and his name and that sounded to complicated and it would also mean that he would have to leave the city where he grew up. He didn't want to do that. So he had to take a risk.

Once he was within a few blocks of the tower he spoke to RAAJA. "Where you able to get past their security?"

"Of course. You should be able to sneak in through the third window from the right on the 45th floor. That is near the common room, which is where the Avengers are currently speaking according to the security cameras in the building."

"Thanks RAAJA, you're amazing."

"I know."

Peter couldn't help smiling. What would he do without RAAJA? He quickly swung towards the building letting go of the web at the last second so that he would have enough momentum to carry him to the wall of the building. He stuck out his hand and latched onto the building's surface as soon as his gloved hand touched the concrete. He crawled to the correct window ever thankful that even in New York no one looks up. "RAAJA, open the window please." The window soundlessly slid up and Peter maneuvered himself inside and crawled up the inside wall until he was crouched on the ceiling.

"Which way?" he whispered, even though his mask was supposed to block out sound. He could never be too careful.

"To the right and then take your first left and then your third right. That will take you to where the Avengers are currently talking."


Peter scuttled across the ceiling in the direction RAAJA had indicated. Soon enough he could make out voices but he kept going until he was just a turn away from them.


"So we're just going to wait here till he shows up?" Bruce asked.

"Yup" Tony said.

"And then what?" Bruce continued. He and the rest of the Avengers were lounging around the common room and were all looking to Tony for answers.

"I'm not sure yet."

"Tony!" Bruce said.

At the same time Clint said "Typical."

"What? All I know is that he's innocent of anything Fury wants to accuse him of." Tony crossed his arms. He wasn't about to be bullied in his own building.

"And we agree with you, but we still need to decide how best to approach this situation." Steve interjected, trying to keep the situation from escalating. "What are we going to tell Spiderman when he gets here and what are we going to tell Fury?"

"We aren't going to tell Fury anything." Tony said stubbornly.

"We have to tell him something." Natasha said.

Tony opened his mouth to protest but Natasha continued before he could say anything.

"Otherwise he won't leave the matter alone. It doesn't have to be much." She said.

"Fine." Tony sighed, he hated that he could see the reasoning behind what Nat was saying. They had to tell Fury something. "We'll decide that when he gets here."

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