#4 You're on your Period

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'Jared do you mind coming over? I've got pains and nothing else to do,' you say into the phone with a hot water bottle on your tummy. 'I'm right there sweetie! See ya!' You wait for a few minutes and then you hear the door open.

He is in your room in less a minute after he enters the house. 'You ok?' he asks. You smile at him. 'Here I brought food.' You smiled.  You took the only blue toffee knowing that he loved them. You smirked popping the lolly in your mouth.

Jared wouldn't say anything to you taking his food when you were on your period. Usually he hated it but he wouldn't say anything now. 'You know you are really lucky that it is 'that time of month' right now otherwise I would have tickled you to death,' he said.'But theres something else I can do too,' he says thoughtfully.

Being the mature person you are you stick your tongue out and surprisingly he leans into you and places his mouth on your tongue. He does this so quickly you hardly realise until you actually feel his breath mingling with yours. Its like he is going to kiss you but he searches your mouth for the lolly and when he finds it he takes it out with his tongue.  You shiver at the feeling of it. He moves back and smirks, the lolly now in his mouth. 'I was hoping for that,' he says.

You hit him on the shoulder but it hurts you more than him. By his expression you would think that he didn't feel it- which he probably didn't. 'Ouch Jared look what you done!' you accuse him even though it was your fault. The smirk is off his face in an instant when he realises he hurt you. 'Babe...,' he looks at your hand. 'Dont worry about it,' you say. He still looks worried but calms down a bit when you're not panicking.


The phone rings again. Cant someone get a little bit of peace around here you thought angrily? I mean surely the person would have got the message that you did NOT want to talk to them? You get up angrily from your bed and remove the hot water bottle from your tummy. 

Then you pick up your phone and answer the call to see its from Embry.  What's his problem? 'What do you want?' you yell into the phone. 'Whoa babe! Period?' he asks you. 'What's it to you?  Gosh your such a stalker you even know my period dates!' you snap. 'I'll be over in 10 minutes max, with food and movies. See ya!' 'No don't come,' you say into the phone but your heart says otherwise. These stupid mood swings!

Making good on his say Embry is at your place in less than 10 minutes. 'I came as soon as I could; are you alright?' he says entering your room.'Do I look alright!?' you snap. 'Horror or comedy?' he asks chuckling. Embry never loses his temper with you when you are on your period. It probably wouldn't end too well. 

You sigh 'I'm sorry Embry....I didn't mean to snap,' you say. As you can see you get really pissed when you sre on your period.  He laughs again. 'That's ok babe! You sound damn hot when your angry.' 'Embry...' you threaten. But you smile anyway. This guy knew you so well. You settle for a horror movie and he picks you up bridal style and takes you to the lounge so that you can watch it. 'Thanks,' you say as he puts you down. Both of you settle and as the movie starts you say 'I love you Embry, ' as you snuggle into his warm shoulder. 'I love you too,' he says.


'Hey Y/N,' Jasper said over the phone. 'Hey Jaz,' you say with a wince as your tummy contracted again. 'You ok?' he asks. 'Umm yeah I guess.' You were on your period and you were anything but ok. Your tummy hurt like hell.

Usually when you had your period Jasper would stay away from you. 

But this time you had really bad pains. So Jasper came over but as an extra safety measurement the pack insisted on having a wolf there.  So you chose your best friend Seth. 'I came as soon as I could,' Jasper said 'Are you ok.' You watch Jasper's eyes turn black as he takes in your scent and you hear Seth growl at him from behind you.

'Jasper you dont have to stay here. I'm fine,' you lie. 'No babe dont worry. I can control it,' he says. 'Jaz...' 'Babe don't worry.' You move up to hug him but then realise his eyes are a midnight black colour and move back.

'Thanks Jasper,' you say. ' Anything for you sweetie,' he says.


You open the door to find Edward standing there. 'Babe you ok?' he asks. 'Yeah I reckon I'll be fine,' you say showing a weak smile. Edward looks at you with a worried look on his face. He always hated it when you had your period because you had really bad cramps. He moves to you to engulf you in his arms but you move back. 'Edward your eyes are sort of umm black,' you say scared. You still had to live your life and didn't want to be a vampire...yet.

You enjoy the rest of the day pigging out with your awesome boyfriend and just talking about everything. You didnt get too angry when you were on your period so you could talk without you acting like you were gonna kill him.


'Jake...' you whined. 'What's wrong babe?' he said. 'It hurts,' you said close to tears. Whenver you had your period it hurt really bad so usually you would just curl up with a hot water bottle. But since now you were dating Jake he was always there for you. He sighed 'What do you want babe?' he asked.

'Could you get me some chocolate?' you asked. You knew chocolate wasnt exactly the best thing to eat on your period but it made you feel happier.

You didnt want to be sad around your boyfriend.  'Ok,' he said. A few seconds later he came back from the kitchen with a bar of (your favorite chocolate) 'Thanks Jake,' you said. 'Anything for you babe,' he said and then snuggled up with you rubbing calming circles on your back.


When you are on your period you get really emotional. You were playing on the play station against Paul and you were losing. So you couldnt help yourself.

You started crying. Tears just came and you couldn't stop them no matter how much you wanted to. You hated crying in front of him. Paul looked over at you a smirk on his face but then realised you were crying.

His expression turned from triumphant to worried as he wrapped his arms around you.

'Whats wrong babe? Who do I need to kill first?' he said. 'It's nothing I'm just a bit emotional.' He understood what you were getting at. 'Period?' he asked you.

You nodded your head as you cried on his shoulder. 'Come on let's watch a movie,' he said. '(Favourite movie name)?' he asked knowing you loved that movie. You brightened up a little bit.

You spent the rest of the day watching movies and cuddling with your hot boyfriend.


You get really pissed and frustated when you are on your period. Like you you'll get angry over the smallest things. You had a date with Emmett today and you had specifically said 7:00. But he was already 4 minutes late!

It was a movie date at your house. You dialled Emmett's number and waited for him to pick up. 'Hey babe. What's up?' he said casually into the phone. 'What's up? Your late Emmett!' you said. 'Um by 5 minutes,  really babe?' He asked you. 'Heck yeah!' You said.

'Oh I get it you're on your period arent you?'  'Yeah I am so unless you want me to get more pissed I suggest you get your ass at my place right now,' you said ending the call.

You sighed. You didnt like being angry at Emmett. A few minutes later the doorbell rang. You opened it to see flowers and someone hiding behind them. You laughed at Emmett's deed. He was so cute. 'I'm sorry for snapping,' you said as you took the flowers. 'That's ok baby,' he said.

You had a nice date watching movies and just being crazy.


You like to eat a lot when you are on your period.  Like literally you will eat anything. You were with Seth in the kitchen. 'Seth I'm hungry,' you moaned. 'Babe you just had lunch,' He said. 'Yea I know but I want more food,' you said. 'Fine,' he said.

You spent the rest of the day pigging out with your boyfriend but unlike Edward,  Seth actually ate with you.  :)

Hey guys!

Thanks for the 800 plus reads! Im soo happy!! Anyways




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