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Deciding to give him 30 more minutes, the trio stays in guard at the cafe, the boys watching every person that walks by the window or enters the cafe in hopes of seeing the detective there.

Every time the door opens and the bell rings, Taehyung whips his head in that direction, his stomach dropping more and more every time a stranger walks in.

Was Namjoon really in trouble? He hoped not.

EunMin on the other hand, keeps her eyes fixed on the black screen in front of her. Her phone tightly clutched in her hands as she waits for something to come in. A call, a text, something, the screen remains dead, the feeling in the pit of her stomach overwhelming.

Come on Namjoon.

EunMin pleads shutting her eyes tight, as if the action would somehow make him appear.

Rubbing her eyes, EunMin looks at the boys, each boy on one side of her, both focused on different tasks but their look is the same.

They are worried too.

The trio hated to admit but they were starting to get really worried, EunMin no longer able to ignore the gut feeling gnawing at her.

EunMin's leg bounces up and down for a while before she lets out a sigh, startling the boys as she abruptly stands up.

"I'm sorry." EunMin says shooting them an apologetic look. "I'm going to go look for him. I can't keep waiting."

"We'll come with you noona." Jungkook says quickly jumping to his feet, followed by Taehyung who furiously nods his head in agreement.

"Okay." EunMin says with a quick nod, the three of dashing out the door as the screen glows with his last location.

The trio is silent as they walk, their eyes constantly roaming the streets in high alert.

"What do we look for noona?" Jungkook asks from behind.

"Keep your eyes open for any strange sounds and smells. It will take us a while to get there so stay alert."

"If you see anything the least suspicious, let me know immediately."

As they continue their fast paced walk, EunMin tries dialing his number again, rolling her eyes in frustration when it goes to voice mail for the nth time, her suspicions confirmed by the lack of contact.

Everything was adding on the list to confirm their worst fears. What was bothering her even more, were the numbers registered in her device. If they were indeed true....she just hoped they weren't too late.

Pushing her thoughts aside, EunMin stops as she reaches the location, the two boys behind her roughly bumping against her back.

"This is it." EunMin says looking up to check the perimeter. "The last location registered on his phone."

"Okay, so what do we do now?" Taehyung asks stuffing his hands in his pockets, subconsciously stepping closer to the other two as people walk by them.

"Give me a sec." EunMin says taking in a deep breath, forcing herself to calm down so she can better assess the situation.

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