Chapter 24: Found part 1, returned memories.

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An: something to take note. There will be two different writing as one that belong to Huntress_of_fairies and another one is mine of course. This chapter is your my dear friend Huntress_of_fairies hope you enjoy! Click the picture to see more information of then.
*Third person pov*

She ran through the thick forest, bag long forgotten and left behind as she sprinted through the woods, dodging branches and bushes. Her breaths were deep but even, trained and ears strained so she could pinpoint the shouts she heard earlier. 'Come on! Come on!' She thought, pushing her body to her limit.

Not far away a small clearing appeared and the girl jumped into it. In the center of the open area there were a campfire for the lunch as it was noon and the sources of the shouts she heard. Four bandits surrounded a small family of three, probably merchants.

"Goodby old man" said one of the bandits and swung his sword down. A clash was heard through the clearing. Metal came in contact with metal.

She smirked slightly "Why don't you pick on someone that can fight back?" Her dark blue hair swayed behind her because of her sprint and her emerald green eyes sparkled dangerously. The bandit stumbled back and in a flash, the other four were already circling her.

One of them snarled. "Ok then, girly" and lunched at her with his sword held high in a striking position. Easily the girl dodged the slow and predictable attack, sending the bandit stumbling to the ground.

"Fine then, let's dance boys" she smirked. Three bandits from the remaining four charged at her from her three sides, aiming their swords for her arm, torso and neck. She blocked the fastest coming strike with her black bladed dagger that she took out from the holder on her thigh and then jumped out of the harm's way. Because of that move, her back was exposed to the last bandit, who didn't waste his chance. Smirking the girl dropped low and swiped the man's feet from under him. He fell with a loud thud, hitting his head on a rock and passing out.

The man who attacked first stood up and the girl found herself surrounded once again. In a swift motion, the unconscious bandit's sword was in her hands as she loosened her tense muscles and fell into a defensive stance. She took a deep breath, letting calm envelop her body, and readied her sword and dagger.

Again, the bandits attacked first. They all engulfed in a furry of parrying, dodging and striking back when possible. 'I have to admit' thought the girl while one of the swords scratched her cheek. 'These guys are better then I anticipated.'

True, the bandits weren't that fast and while alone they wouldn't pose much threat to her, together they could do some major damage to a not fully trained soldier. The only thing helping her to keep her ground was her heightened senses and reflexes that she inherited from her faunue father.

Two out of four bandits, after a while, lay unconscious on the ground, while the other one had a deep gash on his right forearm. "Just you and me then" said the remaining bandit.

"Are you certain that you can take me on alone?" mocked the girl.

Wordlessly they launched at each other again. A few minutes later he was on the ground and knocked out as well. Just as the girl let her guard down a bit, something slammed into her from behind, throwing her on the ground. The man with the bleeding hand that the girl forgot about stood before her with a raised sword. "You'll pay, you bitch!" he spat, raising his sword above his head.

The girl merely smiled, showing her pointed canines, as a not too distant noise of footsteps reached her. "You sure pal?" she purred.

Before the bandit had a chance to lower his sword a dagger hit his shoulder. It was the same kind of black bladed dagger that the girl had.

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