What's the worst thing I could say?

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I never really realised how cold New Jersey was getting already, I really should’ve worn something thicker. I ran out of the school gates to a nearby park, it was empty.

I sat on the swing and felt a tear running down my cheek.

He’s probably going to tell your mom now, you know what he’s like.

He is a fucking lying bastard so..

I heard footsteps running up to me.

I know what you’re probably thinking now; *Oh, it’s going to be that guy that she loves, then they’re going to kiss and he’ll give her his jacket and live happily ever after* Well, unfortunately my life doesn’t work that way, it’s too cliché. heheh...'way'.

I felt a warm presence on the swing next to me, I looked and saw a big ball of hair, to be more precise, the Torosaurus.

"Hey" He looked at me .

"H-hey Ray.." I tried to stop the tears from falling down my cheek. "We're best friends, right?" I asked him.

"Of course we are! To the end." He smiled.

"Well... can I have a hug from my best friend then?" I giggled, but there was still sadness in my tone.

"Did you even need to ask?" We stood up and higged each other, If he didn't have a girlfriend right now, i'd kiss him. Beside the fact that he's like a brother to me... and im to shy.

" So" He let go of me. " You don't need to tell any of us anything if you want, it's your choice." 

I sat back down on the swing.

Should I tell them? What if people start to find out? Would they seriously tell anyone...they are my best friends... but I did meet them only a few weeks ago. Wow, being a teenage girl is tough shit.

"I don't know... maybe some other time." I looked down and heard him laughing. " Hey, what's so funny."

"Nothing, but you can't just sit here all day... don't you have a date with someone?"  I looked at him confused.

"Toro what the fuck are you talk-" Oh my god.. Frankie! " How did you know?" He laughed again. " And stop with the laughing.. it's creeping me out."

"Well, I do know everything.. and me and the Way's kinda forced him into it.." Oh, well that's nice. I bet he doesn't even like me. Nobody ever does.

"Oh.. well I don't know if I want to go anymore.. and anyway it's not even a date! It's just Ice Cream..." He gave me a 'what you talkin' bout, bitch' look.

"Yeah, ok whatever.. that's why he hasn't stopped talking about it all day! Listen, he likes you ok? You can't just avoid this becuase something gets in the way, stand up for yourself." Wow.. ladies and gentlemen my best friend. He's good when you're upset.

"So.. are the other guys still in.. s-school?" I asked him.

"Naah, after what happened.. which we're all clueless about.. he just told us to forget it." He smiled at the last part. He said forget it?! Maybe he really has changed.. NO ELLY! You can't think that, remember you hate him!

"oh, ok. Where are they then?" 

"Well, I'm going to the Way's house while YOU go and get your man. Who by the way is waiting for you on the street opposite this one." I'm happy that Ray has more friends now, it's good.

"Ok.. wait!" I stopped him from walking away. "How on earth did you know I was here?" He gave me another creepy smirk.

"Remember i know ev-" I stopped him mid sentance.

"You better not say what I think you're going to say!"

"Ugh fine, I come here when im upset." He walked out the gate leaving me to do what he said and 'go get my man'.

Well, I guess this little 'date' might just go alright... What's the worst thing I could say?!

Guys!!! Sorry for not updating in like a month :( Hopefully you'll forgive me ;) xo

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