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Okay guys, my decision is that I decided to keep doing this book, I'm not going to end it.

That was my first negative comment, and I didn't take it good.

I didn't know my book was stupid, or anything, but when I posted my chapter about me ending it.

You guys changed that, people even messaged me about the book. So I'm not gone end it.

I'm not going to end it for the rest of you, just cause of somebody.

I realized that I have more positive supports than negative people. And you guys let me know that.

And I'm sorry if I'm moving too slow for you guys, I just don't like rushing my books. I like for you guys to know everything.

But anywho, I'm keeping the book, and I hope all my supports are happy and continue to support me with this book. I love you guys💚❤️

Buttttt as for that bitch that commented that negative shit, she still ain't respond to me. I think she scared, cause she responded to everyone else.



Date: October 18, 2019
Name: Miracle McNeal
Nickname: NBA Miry

"Bitch don't even say that shit, cause no ian having no boy, having a girl." Kayla smacked ha lips as we sat around in the living room.

The boys were gone, they made us stay.

For the past couple days they've been giving me lessons, and I know how to shoot a gun, and my fighting skills are getting better.

I even be mugging people sometimes.

Kayla mugged ha. "Gone be looking like one of them overweighted Asian babies."

Well dammnnnnnnnn.

I shooked my head laughing in the inside, cause ain't no fucking way she just said that shit.

"Fuck you, and my baby ain't gone be that fucking fat." LeeLee mugged ha.

"Now you know I was playing, calm the hell down." Kayla laughed.

LeeLee didn't respond she just looked back at the tv.

"Bestieeeee, don't even do that mane." Kayla went to ha hugging ha.

I shooked my head at them.

"Move Kayla." She pushed ha back and Kayla smacks ha lips laying all on LeeLee pretty sure she dropped all ha dead weight.

"Getcho heavy ass off me guhh." LeeLee laughed. "Know damn well you too heavy for this."

Kayla moved and looked at ha with a smile. "One you ain't have to call me heavy and two yayyyyyy you laughing."

Finding Her Voice Book 1&2, CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now