Chapter One

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"You're doing great, love!"

Hollowthistle was giving birth, biting down on the stick she was given by her medicine cat, Thornberry. She couldn't bear it, letting go of the now splintered stick and yowling in distress. Thornberry gave her head a quick and supportive lick, trying to soothe her through the delivery. At last, a kit slipped onto the thick bedding and Thornberry immediately nipped the kit's sack,

licking them to help them breathe. Hollowthiste stared in awe at her newborn kit, giving their head a lick and pushing them over with her paw. This was a brown she-kit, not resembling much of her mother or father, but it didn't matter to her. This was her kit, her darling, precious kit. Her state of admiration was cut short as a new ripple of pain coursed through her body. She yowled again, claws digging into the dirt in front of her. Thornberry pressed one of her feeble paws on her still swollen belly, waiting patiently for the next kit. "Last one, Hollowthistle, last one.."

The last kit slid out as quickly as the first, and Hollowthistle gave a heavy sigh of relief. She felt weak and exhausted, which was normal of course, but she could barely turn her head to glance at her second kit. "A healthy tom," Thornberry announced after cleaning the fluids off the wailing kit. She picked him up gently by his small scruff and set him next to his mother's belly. The wailing abruptly stopped and he began to suckle. Hollowthistle finally was able to move her head, craning her neck to get a good view of her son. Thornberry turned her attention to the small brown kit in front of Hollowthistle's paws who seemed to be still. She had not once cried or made an attempt to find her mother's belly. Her heart dropped as she began to assume the worst. "Hollowthistle, dear," She began, getting the queen's attention. Hollowthistle gave Thornberry a puzzled look before the elderly cat motioned towards the limp body at her paws. Hollowthistle quickly moved her gaze to her daughter, still puzzled. What was wrong? Is her kit ok? She leaned down, nudging her body with her nose softly. There wasn't a response and the kit's body was running cold. Hollowthistle nudged her again, licking her too in a desperate attempt to wake her newborn daughter. But the worst was confirmed, her daughter was gone, dead minutes after birth. Hollowthistle pulled her daughter close with her paws, nuzzling against her small body. She held back a wail of grief, barely able to even comprehend the whole situation. She thought if she could hold her long enough, her warmth would bring her back. However, that would never work.

"I will go get Rosethorn." Thornberry spoke, pressing her head against Hollowthistle's for a short few seconds, then exited the den to find the clan's deputy. As she left, another queen, Fallenlight, meowed softly to the other. "I'm terribly sorry for your loss Hollow. I couldn't imagine the pain of losing a kit. A newborn especially." Hollowthistle let go of her deceased kit, turning her head to acknowledge Fallenlight, "She barely had a chance to live, to see her brother. Or even me,"

Fallenlight stared at her with glossy eyes filled with sympathy, before letting out a sigh. "She walks in Starclan now with your mother. She will be safe." As the mourning queen began to respond, two pairs of quick paw steps caused the two to look towards the entrance of the den.

Rosethorn shoved past Thornberry, leaning his head down to nuzzle his mate's cheek. Hollowthistle immediately broke down, holding her kit close once again. "Our kit, Rosethorn, our kit!" She cried, causing her mate to step back slightly in shock, "What do you mean? What happened?" Hollowthistle let out an even louder cry, "She's dead!"

Rosethorn's eyes widened to the size of disks. He couldn't believe this, his kit, his daughter was gone. Unable to process the right reaction, he sat calmly next to her. "I'm so sorry. This tragedy should have never happened," His tail moved to rest over her back, almost touching their son. "She's in a better place now, with her ancestors among Starclan." Hollowthistle sniffled, shaking her head. "She needs a name. She deserves a strong name." Rosethorn nodded, "Of course. Do you have any ideas?" Hollowthistle stared down at the brown-furred body nestled in her paws. "Nettlekit. After my mother."

Rosethorn nodded his head again, "It's perfect." Now he glanced over at the other body curled against her stomach. A dark tabby tom. "What about that one," Hollowthistle turned, "Our son. The only other kit we have." Rosethorn's gaze softened, glad at least he still had one child. "What will we name him?" Hollowthistle fell silent, thinking. Her son needed a name just as important as his sister's, but she couldn't think straight. Rosethorn shifted his gaze away from them, and to Thornberry, who had stepped forward. She dipped her head in a form of respect. "May I suggest?" She asked, keeping her head and gaze low. Rosethorn narrowed his eyes, flicking his tail. "You may,"

Thornberry looked above her, eyeing a bundle of elder growing along the den's opening. "Elderkit." Rosethorn was quick to protest, but Hollowthistle was quicker to cut him off. "It suits him. My strong little Elder," Rosethorn huffed, sending a glare towards Thornberry before looking back at his son. "Elderkit it is then." Hollowthistle smiled, just slightly. "Welcome to Ridgeclan, Elderkit."

Thornberry lifted her head and looked towards the small tom. She knew now, she had named the clan's savior. But of course, no one would know until the day came. Instead, she padded forward, leaning down to touch her nose to the kit's fur.

'This storm is stronger than a wolf's bite, but only the elder can shield you from its cruelty. Find the elder. He will be your defense against the storm.'

'Please don't fail us.' 

//this was short as well oh my god,,,,but still enjoy pls :((

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2020 ⏰

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