F O R T Y - F O U R

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The four of them waved good byes to each other, as they parted ways. Y/n was with her parents, she hugged them tight and went inside the carriage. On her right side, it was her mum who sat beside her whilst the left side was her dad.

Ellora held her daughter's hand, rubbing circles on it. Y/n don't know whether she was happy to be back at home or not. Not because of the daily tradition where Cedric had to visit her during summer, but because of her father, Proteus. After learning the twisted truth about him, she don't know if she have to talk him or just simply ignore him.

"So.. How's school, love?" Proteus asked her.

Well, everything is going downhill after knowing that you're a death eater. It's definitely normal, really.

"Erm, fine, I guess," y/n simply shrugged off and hope that she was now in her room, completely isolated.

Inside the carriage was silent. Deadly silent. Her mum noticed it too, and she knew that there is something wrong with y/n. She glanced over her daughter, who just looked down on her lap, her expression says it all. She don't want to be here in the same carriage with them, and that made her mum questioned why y/n is silent all of a sudden.

She wasn't like this before or maybe she haven't still moved on about the death of Cedric.

"Are you alright, sweetie?" this time her mum asked her. Y/n wanted to say no, but obviously she don't want to say it in front of her parents.

"I just wanted to rest," sighed y/n, leaning her on her mum's shoulder.

Not long after, y/n's prayers have been answered. She quickly dashed inside the Manor and went to her room, not caring about her trunks that were left downstairs. She shut door closed and flopped herself on the soft mattress.

Today was draining and all she wanted to rest and hoped that her father wasn't a death eater at all.

A soft knock came from the door.

"Who is it?" she shouted, not wanting to get up from her bed.

"It's me!" her mum shouted back outside. Y/n groaned to herself, wanting to be alone. She opened the door, revealing her mum was standing outside the door frame with her arm crossed.

Y/n gestured to her to sit down on her bed whilst y/n remained at the spot where she opened the door for her mother.

"Is there something wrong?" her mum asked with concern, just like the tone of Ron. "You can talk to me about everything."

"I'm fine, really. I just need some rest right now," said y/n. She didn't lied about the part where she need some rest, but for the part 'I'm fine' is definitely a lie.

Her mum only nodded and went outside, but before closing the door. She looked at her and say, "I'm always here whenever you need someone to talk to. Okay?"

"Thank you, mummy."

And with that the door once again closed and y/n lay down on her bed, sighing. She looked at the ceiling and thousand of questions popped inside her mind.

Will tomorrow be different? Will I ever going to past over this?

Of course, she don't know what will be the answer, but she hopes that everything will be alright— just like what Cedric used to tell her every time she felt worried or sad. She looked at her bracelet and saw the word engraved on it. Together.

But now, she felt alone as ever. Her usual summer routine would be different as usual. It will not be the same anymore, where Cedric had to visit her and do some pranks on her as well. She also remembered the promise that Cedric made for her, and that is, by the time y/n's birthday came up. Cedric will treat her with loads of gifts and spending the rest of the day with her. But now, none of that will happen.

"I hate that you left so early, Ced," whispered y/n, before her eyes dropped, welcoming the deep slumber.


She woke up, tired as ever. She felt nothing at all; her energy is drained and so was her feelings. Y/n wished that summer would be over so that she can finally go to school and meet up with the trio. She did her morning routines and made her way downstairs, forcing herself to eat breakfast.

They say home is a place where you can rest your weary heart and body. According to y/n, it was different. She doesn't feel happy nor safe at her Manor anymore. The more she sees the furnitures from each room, the more she felt ill every single day. In short, her home isn't home anymore.

As she finally made it to the dining area, her mum happily greeted her whilst her dad just gave her a peck on the cheeks, making her uncomfortable. She became distant from her parents— well, her father, specifically. Ever since she known his secret, she tried to distant herself from talking or making eye contact with him.

"A breakfast for you, y/n!" her mum exclaimed with excitement when she placed the classic english breakfast in front of her. Y/n forced a smile on her lip.

"Thank you," whispered y/n, as she took a mouthful of food, trying to finish her breakfast early so that she could finally lock herself in her room.

"What do you want to do this whole summer?" asked Ellora, she knew very well that every summer Cedric was here to spend the whole summer with her daughter, but knowing that Cedric was no longer here, her mum thought it would be a good idea to take y/n somewhere else.

"Nothing, just read books or fix the garden," answered y/n, munching on her food.

"Or you could go with us," suggested Proteus. Y/n looked over him and thought it was a bad idea to go out with them today because she might not know that her father is probably going to meet up with his fellow death eaters.

"No, I'm good," said y/n, finishing off the last of her breakfast. "You could just buy me a new book or something."

"What book do you want?" her mum asked, pretending as if her daughter did not said that just so she can't go with them.

"Er, just pick a random one, yeah?"

Her mum only nodded and fixed the table. Before y/n could leave the kitchen, her father called her back, making y/n to internally groaned to herself. However, she was getting slightly annoyed the fact she wanted to go to her room already instead of listening to her father.

"There's a letter for you. I'm guessing that this letter came from your friends?" her father narrowed his eyes, as he observed the letter on top of the table. Y/n quickly knew what he was referring to, and it's not going to be good.

"Y-yes. Why?" y/n stuttered. She swear if her father tried to her friends during summer. She will not forgive him at all.

"I don't want you talk to them. Understood? After all, that guy, Potter could've killed Cedric," He said, shoving the letter inside of his pockets.

Y/n knew that her father was lying because she knew that Harry wasn't the type of person to kill someone. She was angry at her father. Angry about the fact where she couldn't write letters anymore to her friends. She have no one talk to, except for the trio and others.

She looked at both of her parents. Her father gave her a stern look whilst her mother was completely shock about her husband's action. Y/n stormed off and went to her room, shutting the door very loud. Y/n was fuming at her parents, but it is mostly her dad.

How can I owl them without letting my parents know? Y/n asked herself. After thinking several ideas later. She finally came up with a clever idea.

hey loves!

two chapters yayyy! I hope you like this one even though it's short, and also I wanted to say thank you to each one of you. You guys are the best!

Take care and have a magical day ahead! xx

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