Falling [16]

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"This hunt is taking forever!" Nicole groaned into a motel pillow. Sam, who sat at a round wooden table across the room, snickered.

"We're close to finding this thing, Cole." Sam tried to reassure her. She pushed her body up and turned to give Sam a hard stare.

"That's what you said three days ago!" She said after a few seconds of silence.

"We're three days closer to finding it." Sam shrugged. Nicole huffed and climbed off the bed.

"I'm going to get a snack from the vending machine downstairs." She informed the youngest Winchester brother. He didn't respond, leading Nicole to assume he heard her but didn't feel like answering. She turned to walk out the front door when she ran into Dean, who was entering. He caught her before she fell backwards.

"Oh, sorry. Didn't mean to make you fall for me." Dean smiled a cheesy grin, and Nicole couldn't help but stare at his beautiful green eyes. She awkwardly laughed in response, and slipped his wallet from his back pocket before he stepped away from her.

"Dean, you're a whole idiot." She sighed as he set grocery bags down on the table Sam was seated at. He raised an eyebrow in her direction.

"Oh no, I'm only half an idiot. that," Dean stopped to point at his brother, "is the other half to make my whole." He nodded, and Sam rolled his eyes.

"Whatever, loser. Be back in a few." She informed them as she pulled Dean's wallet from her back packet to check what money he had left.

"Uh, hey!" Dean grunted as he noticed his wallet in her hands. She turned to look at him with an innocent smile and shoved the wallet in her back pocket again. Dean paused and watched her leave the motel room, then he turned to his brother.

"What the f-" Sam stopped him and shook his head.

"I've learned not to ask."

Nicole trotted happily down the motel building stairs and turned the corner to the vending machine. Scanning her options for a brief second, she decided on her option and pulled Dean's wallet out to get the money for it. Just then, she heard faint footsteps. She turned to check her surroundings, suddenly alert of how alone she was. When she found no one, she continued buying her snack. Suddenly, a rag was slapped against her mouth and a strong arm was wrapped around her neck. She could smell chloroform on the rag, and she immediately sprung to action. She threw her foot down on the assailant's and flipped him over her and into the vending machine, the glass shattering with impact. She pulled the rag away from her mouth and threw it as far as she could.

"Dean!" She screamed as loud as she could. She stepped away from the person as they got up, and they gave her a fanged smile.

"Vamp!" She growled with a smirk, and she held her hands up for a fight.

Dean looked up as he faintly heard his name.

"Did you hear that?" He asked his brother before returning to the silence in hopes that he could catch it again.

"Hear what?" Sam asked, looking up from his laptop. Dean didn't answer him for a few seconds.

"Where'd Cole say she was going?" He asked as he turned to look at his younger brother.

"Downstairs to get a snack from the vending machine, why?"

"I'll be back in a minute." Dean responded, hurrying towards the motel door. Sam looked at his brother for a second before shrugging and returning his gaze to his laptop. Dean left the room and hurried down the stairs.

"Cole!" Dean called, hoping she would respond. When she didn't, he speed up his pace. He saw her as he rounded the bottom level corner, but she had blood on her face.

"Dean, no!" She shouted as she noticed him. His eyebrow's furrowed in confusion, but there was a strong stinging pain in his head, and then he couldn't feel anything at all.

"Dean!" Nicole shouted as she ran towards him. The vampire had knocked him out cold, and now he laid on the concrete ground unconscious. Nicole looked up just as the vampire brung his fist down towards her, and then she joined Dean on the ground, asleep.

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