78. who we used to be

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78. who we used to be

 who we used to be

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      SHE WOKE EARLY THAT MORNING, slightly surprised by the light snoring noises coming from all around her. Normally no one truly slept and it wasn't because of the hard and uncomfortable ground. They hadn't even been here for a few hours and the feeling of safety was already settling in. She didn't know if that should worry her, or make her feel happy. It was too early for her to tell how she felt about this place.

As she looked around though, she realised not everyone was accounted for. Daryl had left his position in the window seat. She guessed Rick had put some people on watch duty last night. It appeared that their leader hadn't embraced the feeling of safety just yet.

As quietly as she could she stood up and made her way around the sleeping figures on the ground and headed towards the door. A small smile appeared on her face as she stepped outside and her eyes noticed Daryl, sitting in the corner of the porch, leaning against the fence, his crossbow ready in his hands.

She closed the door behind her and walked up to him, sitting down next to him on the wooden floor, folding her arms while her eyes stared into the darkness of the night. A small smile appeared on her face. 'Guess all we need now is a little moonshine. You happen to have another secret stash?'

He snorted, shaking his head while playing with the string of his crossbow. Though his eyes never left their surroundings, his body always watchful and ready to jump into action. Apparently Rick wasn't the only one having trouble feeling at ease.

'What do you think?' She asked, gesturing around at the community surrounding them. If there was any opinion she trusted in, it was his.

'They ain't worth shit,' he stated, not even sounding mad about it, just stating a fact, a simple observation.

She nodded, having made that observation herself as well. Everyone seemed nervous, awkward and not ready at all to protect themselves if need be. It seemed like except for Aaron and Eric, none of them ever really came outside. And she wasn't so sure that was a good thing. She could understand that living inside big walls like this meant you had no reason to outside, but the danger was you forgot about what was truly out there and why those walls were up in the first place.

'I've been thinking about Merle,' she admitted and finally he turned his eyes towards her, the blue intensity of them burning right through her soul. 'And Andrea, Hershel, Tyreese.' She took a deep breath. 'Michonne told me we owe it to them to try and make a life. That their deaths would be meaningless if we don't find peace.'

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