The Fay King

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The king of Fay's was told a secret that he could not believe. Was it true that Hawk, his second in command, betrayed him and his people by marrying the Druidess? He didn't even get the approval of his king before he married her! He went against everything the Fay's stood for by taking a Druidess wife!

Oh Hawk what have you done my friend? The king thought, where is your loyalty? Mayhap what was whispered in his ear was a lie? It had better be, or else the Fay's will call out treason, and Hawk will be punished severely!

The king decided to see for himself if it were true that Hawk betrayed his race. He zapped himself to Scotland, and stood in the middle of the Sterlingshire courtyard, invisible to the naked eye, and looked around him. No one was out there, it was deserted, and the King had to decide quickly if he should enter the castle and risk being seen by Hawk, or if he should just go back to where he came from, and forget all about what was whispered to him. It was probably not true anyway, Hawk was too smart to screw up his place at Fay court for a mere Druidess!

"Hello sir." Violet said, and did a small curtsie.

Startled, the king looked down at the tiny girl and his heart did a flip.

She sees me? Impossible!

"Sir? Has the cat got your tongue?" She asked, placing her hands on her hips.

The king turned his head and looked behind him, mayhap she was talking to someone that stood behind him, he thought, but he saw no one there. Looking back down at her, the King was surprised that she could see him.

"You can see me?" He asked her, troubled that a mere brat could see him.

Violet rolled her eyes at him, "Aye, I could see you!" She told him, and she pointed her finger at him and said, "you are Fay!"

The king drew his eye brows together, "I am." He said, looking at the child more closely, and noticing for the first time that she bared a close resemblance to Hawk.

"And you are the King of Fay's!" Violet said, her eyes shined bright with curiosity.

Tha Fay was surprised that she knew who he was. Dropping to one knee, he looked down at her, and asked in a gentle tone, "and how might you know who I am?"

Violet shrugged her shoulders, "I just know."

"Who are your parents?" The King asked, his heart beat faster than usual. If this child is Hawks and the Druidess, then she carries powers above and beyond Fay's, and Druids. But how was it possible that she was conceived?

"My fathers name is Hawk, and my mothers name is Nessa." She said, and then the beads that sparkled around his neck caught her attention. "Sir, can I touch your beads?" She asked, not even waiting for an answer, as she raised her hand to the necklace and her fingers caressed it softly. "My mother and father are getting married this weekend, can I have your beads as a gift for the wedding?" She asked.

The king was taken aback, one with the admission of who her parents were, and twice with the brats bold innocence.

"The beads are not to be given away, as King I wear them always, they are special beads that only a King can wear, you would have no use for them." He explained, but was unprepared for the way she quickly removed the sweet smile from her angelic face, and looked at him as if she were an adult.

"When I become queen one day, I will take them from you!" She said angrilly.

The king threw his head back and roared with laughter. This child was a little she wolf, but he admired her spunk. For a moment he forgot that she was Hawks child, and allowed himself the pleasure of having a conversation with her.

"So you will be queen one day?" He smiled, showing off even white teeth.

"Yes I will." She said, and he saw the threat in her eyes, and almost fell backwards off his feet.

"Oh is that right?" He told her, trying to calm the tingling feeling in his stomach, but he quickly ignored it, she was but a child talking nonsense.

"Aye! Your life will be in extreme danger, and my father will come to your rescue." She said, already bored with this conversation, and turned to walk away.

"Wait!" The King roared, "explain to me what you know!" He told her, already feeling silly for allowing a brat to have him this upset.

"Well, your wife is not your soulmate, but she pretends to be, she used black magic to have you believing that she is!" She said, "she is using you to empower herself, for the upcoming battle!"

The Kings heart beat faster, this is nonsense, he told himself, she's just a little girl who is talking jibberish!

"And what battle is that?" He found himself asking, against his better judgement.

"The one that will take place when the snow starts to melt in Scotland!" She said, already losing interest in the conversation.

"And what will happen in that battle?" He asked her, feeling foolish that he believed this child's fairytales.

"Well, the lady that is pretending to be your soulmate will order you killed by her secret army, and you will perish if you don't prepare yourself." She told him.

"And how should I prepare myself?" He asked, holding his breath until she answered him.

"By calling for help from my father! He is your only true friend that you have. He will win the war for you." She said.

"And if I call upon your father for his help, I shall win the battle?" He asked, feeling silly having this talk with a brat.

Violet rolled her eyes, tired of answering all these questions to this man. "Yes you will win the battle!"

"If I win the battle little one, then you can't be queen and have these beads, because I will still be King." He laughed, already liking this little girl who had eyes the color of violets.

"The beads will be mine!" She said angrily, placing her hands on her hips. "You will give them to me of your own accord."

"I will?" The Fay asked. "And why will I want to do that?"

"Because I will be your queen!" She said.

"My queen? But I already have a queen whom I adore." He said, curious to see what she will say to that.

"She doesn't love you, and she is not your soulmate!" Violet said, tired of this conversation, she turned and walked away.

"Then who is my soulmate?" He asked, taking a step after her.

"Why, I am silly!" Violet said, and she walked towards the castle, suddenly feeling very hungry, she knew that Cook had made her favorite meal.

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