Chapter 10

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Walking back towards the village he had taken her hand without thinking, enjoying the contact of her skin and the easy life of the village. It was so relaxing and peaceful, it was almost like a normal day, like he wasn't even famous at all. Realising that it wasn't actually the case he gently squeezed her hand before releasing it as they approached the field where the archery was taking place.

Finding their friends they walked over to find both Mark and Howard competing in the tournament and stood back to watch their progress. The girls were cheering them on from the side, both guys enjoying the attention they were receiving.

Liz clapped loudly as Mark took his shot and they watched as he winked at her over his shoulder as he turned round. Passing a look between themselves Gary raised an eyebrow as she did the same.

Joining the others they watched each person take their turn, so many people had entered the competition they were starting to make it harder so the numbers were whittled down. A while later they were down to the last three people, both Mark and Howard had been beaten by the more experienced. The Butcher and the local mechanic were the last two and on to sudden death, the last arrow would determine who won.

As they each took their turn the butcher managed to take the win by a fraction, they couldn't believe how engrossed they had been by it all and made their way over to congratulate him.

The sun had started setting and realised the time. There was going to be a couple of hours where they set up for the evening and so they started heading back towards the houses.

"What are our plans for this evening?" Lexi asked as they reached the cross roads by her house.

"How about we meet you guys in the field around seven?"Gary asked "that will give us all time to chill for an hour or two before we head back out"

"sounds great" she said as she looked around at a sea of smiling faces with their heads nodding. "see you in a bit then"

Saying goodbye she opened the door as her friends entered the house one by one. As she closed the door she turned to a sea of faces, eyebrows lifted in unasked questions. She looked to leanne to find her stood with he hands on her hips.

"Okay spill! what is going on between you two?" she asked unable to keep the smile from her face.

"Where do i begin?" she said to a chorus of squeals.

"No where until ive got the wine" Jackie said grabbing Rachel and dragging her into the kitchen to collect glasses and the wine from the fridge.

Everyone made their way into the front room and sat on the sofas whilst the drinks were poured whilst they waited for her to fill them in on what had happened. When she had finished telling them about the night at the pub, she looked at her friends all looking at her with open mouths and laughed.

"I still dont believe it myself" she said looking back at all of them and told them about the kitchen earlier, unable to keep the smile form her face.

"we knew it" Jackie said looking over at Phoebe "i knew we were right" she laughed.

"sorry i didn't tell you sooner" she said , "its just all happened so fast that ive just been enjoying it"

"I dont blame you in the slightest" Marina said smiling across at her.

"Right" Leanne said " we need to get ready its half six already"

Everyone stood up and went to change into warmer clothing knowing the temperature would have dropped outside considerably from earlier. complete with hats and scarves they left the house and made their way towards the field at the other end of the village.

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