Chapter 22- The sleepover

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Author's note: Here is a new chapter!! Hope you guys enjoy reading it. Please do drop in a vote and comment about what you thought of the chapter. Thank you!❤

Shaurya stood under the shower for a long time. His skin had begun pruning, and he should probably get out of the shower, but he had no energy.

Sleep eluded him despite how mentally and physically exhausted and wrung out he felt. He should have been asleep the moment his head hit the pillow, but he just couldn't.

His house always felt empty and lonely. No matter where he was or how much money he had invested- it never truly became home for him. The fact that both the people he loved were staying in the house made the quietness a little less daunting. But when they left tomorrow, he would be alone again, and that thought terrified him.

Dhvani and Dhruv were so close to him yet so far!

He finally managed to get out of the shower and use a towel to dry himself. As he put on a fresh set of t-shirt and lounge pants, he couldn't help wonder if Dhvani and Dhruv were sleeping okay.

Despite his better judgment, Shaurya walked towards the entertainment room where Dhvani was sleeping with Dhruv. The sofa was big enough for both of them to sleep comfortably, but he still wanted to make sure.

He watched how similar Dhvani and Dhruv looked as they slept. They were sleeping in a spooning fashion, with Dhvani's front to Dhruv's back. Her arms were wrapped around Dhruv, and she held him close to her.

As he stood in front of the sleeping mother-son, he noticed the throw was barley covering both of them and the small goosebumps on Dhavni's arms.

He returned with a blanket and draped it over both Dhvani and Dhruv. Squatting on the floor, he watched them sleeping peacefully. Dhvani's tear-stained cheeks broke his heart. So much so that he couldn't help but reach over and wipe them off.

Neither Dhvani nor Dhruv stirred when Shaurya softly pecked their forehead.

He wanted to promise them that he would never let anything wrong happen to them. Promise them that no one would hurt them, but how could he do that when he had caused them so much hurt knowingly and unknowingly. No wonder why Dhvani didn't want anything to do with him. How could she forgive him after everything he had done?

He wanted to blame Haripraksh Mishra for all his marital problems, but that would be wrong. It was his and Dhvani's fault that they let her father and Priya into their relationship in this manner that they were very easily able to manipulate and break them apart.

With a defeated sigh, he stood up after caressing Dhvani's face.

Would they ever be able to go back to the time where they loved each other more than anything or anyone in this world?


Dhvani's eyes fluttered open when she heard the alarm on her phone go off. She reached over Dhruv to turn it off. Kissing Dhruv against his temple, she pulled him closer to her and hugged him tightly.

Her eyes burned at the lack of sleep and her body felt sore. As she slowly opened her eyes, memories of last night came back flooding to her and her eyes flew open and she sat up immediately.

She couldn't believe that her father had planned and plotted all this. How could he have been so cruel? Her father was her hero. She always thought that he was the only person in the world who couldn't do anything wrong. He had done all this. He was the reason why Shaurya and her had to part ways like this. He was the reason Dhruv had to grow up without a father. If Shaurya hadn't come into her life again, she would have continued to hate him for no fault of his own.

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