Chapter 28

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Leaders summit.

After a long training session, the leaders summit is finally begun. Many high class young devil are gathering at the summit, Representing their clan.

Y/N: well this is going to be interesting

Me and the others are standing in the middle of the party. I'm dressed in my usual black trench coat, much to Sirzechs and Azazel's dismay.

Kiba: I have Never seen this many high class devil

Xenovia: it's kinda of breath taking...

Y/N: (chuckle) you'll get used to it

I turned around and looked at them.

Y/N: alright everyone, tonight is our day off so let's enjoy this to the fullest. But remember, try don't offend someone. Issei I'm talking to you.

Issei: y-y-yes!

Y/N: okay, I going head off and find something to drink.

Rias: aren't have somewhere to be? Like with the other leaders?

Y/N: meh, not until the ceremony started anyway. See ya!

I walked away.

--after he left--

Rias: seriously?

She watched as the dragon king walked away.

Akeno: well, he is Y/N after all.

Kiba: yeah he always do everything as he please.

Serafall: well you're not wrong there.

They turned around and see Sona and her sister serafall along with Saji who follow closely behind.

Serafall: that guy can be childish sometimes.

Y/N: said the girl who cosplayed as a magical girl.

They turned around and see him walking towards them holding a glass.

Serafall: t-that's off the charts ok??!

Y/N: (chuckle) okay then. Let's go to the waiting room shall we?

Then when I'm about to open the door, it suddenly exploded in pieces.


Y/N: the heck?

A cloud of dust covered the doorway.

Y/N: well look like I'm going to have a fight after all.

I cracked my knuckles and walked into the cloud.

Xenovia: wait Y/N! What re you doing?

Y/N: teaching some manners.

After the dust cleared from the explosion I saw a girl who looked in her late teens with light blond hair and pink eyes wearing a uniform like outfit and a guy who looked in his late teens also with blue hair and green eyes who was trying to go for a bad boy look that failed miserably.

Girl: you've got a death wish I'm willing to full it Zephyrdor

Zephydor: Filling is my job, as I said before if you want a virgin pergin I'd volunteer.

Y/N: can you assholes just shut up!!!!

The whole ballroom look at me while the two young devil's are starting at me

Girl: how dare you talk to us like that!

Zephydor: don't you know who we are?

I smiles and walked closer to them

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