Chapter 12: Liberandum

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The moment you jumped down into the trap door, all light, warmth, and security left you alone in the dark. It was farther down than it looked and you landed incredibly hard, the sound of your landing let out a very loud slam. You sat very still as you waited for any reaction. There was nothing but a hollow woosh of an air current passing through the tunnel before you. Condensation dripped in inconsistent patterns from the roof of the tunnel, obviously man-made for sewage and other wastes from the upper world. As you waited for your eyes to adjust, you tried to listen as far down the tunnel as you could, trying to pick up the voices of your boys.

"Guys...!" you hissed into the dark. Your voice reverberated across the steel walls and down the tunnel, but no reply came back. Cautiously, you began to creep forward, feeling incredibly exposed and vulnerable to your new foreign surroundings. You felt as if eyes and ears were turned to you, watching and listening to every move you made as of waiting for you to slip up. You tried to be quiet, keeping your breathing as close to silence as possible,

"Come on, give me a sign guys..." you muttered. Sticking close to the wall, you made your way down the tunnel for what seemed like an eternity. The bracelet on your wrist hummed with a dull glow, offering you some light as it grew darker and darker. At the end, you could just make out an exit from the steel tunnel and out into a larger room. You grit your teeth,

"I sure hope this isn't some kind of Hunger Games s&$t..."

Reaching the end of the tunnel, the room opened up into a high roofed concrete enclosure. Above, grates let in some form of light through weak streams that flickered every time someone above stepped over it. Around the room, numerous crumpled pillars of some kind sat around in rocky heaps, the only evidence left of some underground city. There was an especially large cluster in the center, obviously the remnants of some kind of stone gazebo. It looked exactly like the room from your vision with Jimin, except the roof was a significantly lower.

And there was no other exits or entrances.

"What...?!" you hissed, scanning the walls for anything that remotely looked like a door or exit. There was literally nothing else in the room except you and the crumbled pillars. You let out a frustrated sigh and sat down on one of the rocks, wracking your mind for any superb ideas that might be hidden.

Then you heard the voices down the tunnel.

You bolted upright and looked wildly about the large room for a hiding place. Scrambling over to the gazebo, you wiggled and wedged yourself between two of the largest pieces of stone and ducked down, becoming as flat as possible in your stone safe house. The voices grew closer and it sounded like two males. They were speaking to each other in rather humorous tones,

"Everything has been checked?"

"Yup. Nothing goes in or out without us noticing. If any of those other sin's tries to get in, we'll have em' right in our hands."

Aha, the bad guys had arrived.

"Good. Good. And the prisoners?"

"I'm sure after they see this, they'll sing like song birds."

They shared a low, sinister chuckle, probably looking at whatever the object was. From where you were, you couldn't see them, and you dared not raise your head to high as you would be spotted. You heard their footsteps come dangerously close to your hiding spot and suddenly a boot came into view right in front of you. You stopped breathing, fearing your own breath would be too loud. From the way it was positioned, the person had their back to you, so your presence was still unknown to them.

"Any other news on the raid from the Hive?" the one closest to you asked. There was a shuffle as the other person moved around,

"Na. They're keeping it hush hush till the Lunar Eclipse actually arrives. All we know is that will be the day of attack..." there was another rustle as he leaned in close to his partner,
"That's also the day of Envy's final vows..."

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