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▬▬▬▬▬⠀( quirk assessment test )

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▬▬▬▬▬⠀( quirk assessment test )


fun fact #3 ; kourin wants a pet lion.






She'd hoped to be early to her first class at U.A. High, especially since she found out both her best friends had passed the entrance exam, but old habits die hard.

A yawn escaped her lips before sliding the large door open, and the moment she did everyone's eyes darted to the door. Briefly, her heterochromatic hues scanned the classroom and from what she could tell, she was still earlier than a few others but she only mad that assumption because she saw empty desks. There were twenty one students, and the desks were in four columns and five rows, but at the very back, she saw there was an extra table, on the account of the class' uneven number. It was unpleasant to look at, but she did like the middle seat.

"Hey!" A red haired male approached her, a huge grin plastered onto his face. "I'm Eijirou Kirishima. You're Kourin Yagami, right? Hercules and Elemental's daughter?" Just from his comment she could practically see everyones eyes widen.

"Nice to meet you, Eijirou," with a curt nod and a small smile, she took a seat in between a tall muscular boy and a boy with half and half hair, someone she took the recommended exam with. "It's nice to see you again, Shouto."

She was here, sitting beside him. Does she remember me? He turned to face her, his heterochromatic eyes staring into her own, "how do you know me?"

"From the recommended entrance exam?" She placed a hand over her heart, feigning offence, "don't you remember me? I'm hurt." Kourin noticed that he'd zoned out and she couldn't help but flick his forehead. "I'm really not blaming you, it was in middle school and I had a phase that week where I cut my hair super short." Now that was a lie, a lie she'd told the ash blond too.

Todoroki was a little upset that she didn't remember him, he'd find the right time to tell her. He was kicking himself for not noticing her during the recommended entrance exams, but he was too focused on winning. She had short hair, which meant that he did notice her, he just didn't know it was her. "I do remember seeing you. Your long hair suits you, not that short hair doesn't suit you too. It's nice to see you again."

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