Chapter 8 - Not Given Lightly

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The night was a deep intoxication of blackness.

The kind that only wanted to hold him back, keep him safe with the stationary stars in the sky.

The black tropical that clenched his shoulders and forced him back within his own steadfast thoughts.

He always had the skill for over thinking.

Never had Akaashi ever sat there while feeling so persistently like he had truly done something wrong.

He had to do something about the situation.

But here was the concern. Even with his deep cognation on the thought, the idea that his mother would ruin it all was an applicability he couldn't ignore.

He was sure his dad would be fine, but his mother was ornate when it came to the gilt-edges pages of the book. She was stringent and oppressive.

He was an only child, sought out to carry the weight on his shoulders of being someone worthy.

He had the the conscious mentality that he couldn't put Bokuto through that. The way his soul mate talked about his own parents, his own family.

It was nothing short of tender benevolence. His mother sounded kind and warm, his dad a reliable figure, and his own siblings, the two staples in his life that pushed him up and encouraged him.

Bokutos family was the foundation of which he stood on. It was how he could stand up in the first place.

And god if that didn't make Akaashi admire him more.

Thus, Akaashi sat outside, leaning against the same brick wall he had one night previous, trying to soften the ceaseless words for Bokuto.

He had tried to start slow and easy.

“Wait so you're saying your mother will smash my door down with a hatchet if you tell her we're dating” Bokuto scrunched his face, trying to understand.

“More or less” Akaashi bit his lip. “But I do wonder how you got that from me telling you she would be heavy hearted if our relationship were to develop”.

“Because you're not making sense, Akaashi” Bokuto groaned, shifting his legs up to hold them, a melancholy expression painted across his face.

“What i'm saying is that if we were to date-”.

“We aren't already dating?” Bokutos head shot up.

“You haven't asked me yet and neither have I” Akaashi stated, softly.

“Agh Akaashi, all this makes me feel like I'm going to be worst boyfriend in the world. That is if I'm not murdered beforehand” he carded his hands through his hair.

“Is she at least small. I was really good at disc tossing back in the day. Maybe my approach is to just go in head first and throw her across a field, then make a run for it”.

Akaashi stared at him for approximately 2 seconds before bursting into laughter, light and bubbly.

“Please do not throw my mother like a sack of potatoes, Bokuto” Akaashi chuckled.

“Uhm, it's called self defense” Bokuto argued.

“No, she's a software development manager, very tall, and she used to wash my mouth out with soap whenever I would swear” Akaashi sniffed away the last of his laughter.

“Huh” Bokuto scratched his head. “I don't think I have ever heard you swear”.

Akaashi levels him with the most disinterested stare.
“Fuck” he deadpans.

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