Chapter 2 | today is your lucky day

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Hailey's pov:

I look up to him and respond "cute".

I turn around and walk into the school building. Who does he think he is? The last time I looked queen Elizabeth isn't some horny high schooler.

I went to the office and saw that the secretary was on the phone. Damn it isn't her job to talk to her friend the whole day. I don't have time for someone like her so I decide to be a bitch. She looks me in the face, her eyes go over up and down over my body. She rolls them and then turns away. And I thought I was the bitch. I hit my fist on the table, but she acts like I didn't even move and just keeps ignoring me. I hate it when people ignore me.

I saw a pair of scissors on the right side of the table. I grab them and cut through the telephone cable.

I guess now she is finished.

She turns around with a annoyed look on her face. "What do you want?"

I told her that I am the new student Hailey Brown and that I need my schedule.

It already is 8.05 am. I was supposed to be in the classroom at 8. Well this time it wasn't my fault that I would be late.

I went to my locker first because I am late anyways. There isn't a big difference between 5 and 15 minutes.

I open the locker and put all the books in that I wouldn't need today. Looking at the schedule I see that my first period is in room N303. Where the fuck is that supposed to be.

Right next to me was room E108. Seems like I have to go searching. I was on my way to another building when I bumped into someone. I look up and guess who it is. Yes, Chase. Behind him there were his four friends. Is he never alone? Chase smirked at me and put his hand around my waist. What the fuck is he doing. He leans forward and says "I told you that it isn't over" He moves his body even closer to me so between our faces were like 5 centimeters apart. I grabbed his hand, twisted it around and punched him with the other one in the face. Then I kicked my foot into his knee and he fell down to the floor.

The boys behind him were laughing. Are we in a TV show where every 2 seconds these dumb laughs are edited in? No so stop laughing.

I walked away, because even though I don't want to I have to go to class. I finally found the right building and the correct classroom and open the door. I was still kind of on adrenalin so I more like three the door open. It made a loud noise when the door hit the wall and the whole class was looking at me. What is their problem. "Could you explain why you are late?" Huh is the grown up person who acts like a teacher in front of me talking to me?

Seems like it. "I am Hailey Brown. I am new." With that I turn around and walk to a free seat in the back. People started to turn around and say something like "omg" what the heck did I do this time. The door got kicked open again. Damn what is it with us students kicking the doors open. The person who stepped through the door was chase. He starres at me and walks towards me. He sists in the seat next to me. SHIT. He already has a blue eye. Ups I am guilty.

"I have something that belongs to you. If you want it back come with me behind the building after school ends." I have no idea what he means. I put my hand behind my back to see if my gun was still placed at the back of my skirt. I can't find it. FUCKK. I need that gun back. I mean I have a closet full of guns but this one was my first one, and the best one I ever had.

I decided that I will meet him after school. While being caught up in my thoughts I hear the teacher saying something about a partner project. I don't want to talk or work with anyone in this place. Half of the class has to pick out a name and whoever we have will be our partner.

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