Korrina and Lucario! The Secret of Mega Evolutions!

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The heroes, Clemont, Luna, Caitlyn, Ash, Bonnie, and Serena casually strolled through the forest. Caitlyn tilted her head up, welcoming the sun illuminates her face. Ash slide his orb to Caitlyn and looks to the side while scratching his cheek, blushing.

Serena stretches her arms upwards and sighed, "The weather is great. It feels so nice..."

"One days like this, it's best to run. Let's go, Pikachu!" then Ash starts to run forward. "Well...He's right about that." Caitlyn said with a shrug before she runs after Ash.

"Wait for me, teacher! Is this part of the training as well?" Luna called out to Caitlyn before she follows Caitlyn and Ash from behind. Clemont doesn't want to run at all since he hates running, but they all comply in the end.

Just then, a girl suddenly leaps in front of Caitlyn and Ash, causing them to skid into a halt. "I've found a trainer!" she grinned widely.

Caitlyn's eyes immediately widened at the sight of the girl, 'Is that...Korrina?' then she narrowed her purple eyes at the blonde-haired female, 'Is she still doing that?' she thought to herself. The others soon catches up to Ash and Caitlyn as they all stare at the girl in wonder and curiosity.

Korrina is tall and slender with very long creamy blonde hair tied in a big, thick, high fluffy ponytail that emerges from the back of her helmet, green-gray eyes and a fair complexion. Korrina wears a typical skater attire, consisting of a short white and red sleeveless dress over black cycling/compression shorts and a white and red helmet on her head. In her left hand she holds the mega-glove, which has the same function as the Mega Ring. She also wears white boots with red heart decals which function as skates.

"Can we help you?" Clemont asked.

"I've decided that you'll be the 99th!" Korrina declared, smiling at Ash.

"'99th'?" Ash echoed in confusion. "What's this about?"

"Isn't that obvious? A Pokemon battle!" Korrina exclaimed as she pump her fist into the air, but the heroes are not amused.

"So, you're a trainer too, then?" Luna questioned, tilting her head to the side.

"That's right! I'm Korrina. And my partner is..." Korrina paused as she gestured her hand forward, prompting the others to look back just to see Lucario appeared out of nowhere and leaps over the heroes, and landed right beside Korrina.


Lucario is a bipedal, canine-like Pokemon, with fur that is predominantly blue and black. It possesses a short, round spike on the back of each forepaw, in addition to a third on its chest. It has a long snout and ears. When its mouth is open, it has two pairs of pointed teeth, one in the upper jaw and one in the lower. It possesses cream-colored fur on its torso, and blue fur on its thighs that resembles shorts. It has a medium length tail of the same blue color as well. It stands on its toes rather than on its entire foot. It has developed four small black appendages on its head.

"Lucario, the Wave Guidance Pokemon. The evolved form of Riolu. By catching the Wave emanating from others, it can read their thoughts and movements."

Caitlyn gives Korrina a deadpanned look, 'Did she forget about me...No, I don't think so right after she said that to me...'

"I'm a bit frustrated that I've lost. But...I'll restart again! Once I've achieved my 100th victories, I'll definitely be able to defeat you the next time we meet!"

It seems that Korrina just read her mind when her eyes spotted Caitlyn, then they burnished dazzling. "Caitlyn!!" The heroes' mind stopped, and they blankly watches as Korrina grasped excitedly at Caitlyn, gaping at the blonde-haired female bouncing in place, intertwining hers and Caitlyn's fingers together before embracing her tightly, which causes Luna and Serena to pout at Korrina in jealousy.

"It's been so long since we've last met! How have you've been? I didn't know you were travelling with a group!" Korrina beamed, unable to contain her bubbling enthusiasm as she smiles at Caitlyn happily.

Caitlyn only laughed lightly as she gazes at her friends, "It's a long story..." she muttered before her eyes landed on Lucario and reaches her hand out to pat it's head, "Looks like your Lucario is getting stronger." She commented.

"Yeah, it sure looks strong." Ash butted in as he stands beside Caitlyn.

"So cool!" Bonnie exclaimed, her eyes sparkling in amazement as she gazes up at Lucario in awe.

Korrina giggled as she releases Caitlyn, swinging her arm around enthusiastically. "Ok! As always, we're in top form today!" then she looks at Ash and asked, "So, you're going to battle us, right?"

Ash nodded, "Yes. I wanted to train a bit before my Gym match at the Shalour Gym, anyway." He replied.

"Pika! Pikaa!"

"Wow, he's heading to Shalour Gym, huh?" Korrina and Lucario exchange glances before looking back at Caitlyn's friends, "Are you trainers, too? Do you intend to challenge the Shalour Gym?" she asked.

Serena shook her head in response, "No, we don't do Gym matches." She answered.

"It's true that we're trainers, though." Luna added.

"Oh, I'm Serena."

"I'm Luna, it's nice to meet you. And this is my partner, Arcanine"

"I'm Bonnie! This little one is Dedenne, and this is my brother..."

"...Clemont, nice to meet you."

"I'm Ash, nice to meet you. This is my partner, Pikachu."

Luna looks up at Korrina and spoke up, "So, how do you and teacher know each other?"

Korrina gazes at Caitlyn questioningly, "Teacher?" she echoed.

Caitlyn only gives a sweat-dropped at the brunette and sighed deeply, "It's another long story...I'll tell you later." Then she smiles at her friends as she gesture her hand to Korrina and herself, "Korrina and I first met in this forest, challenging me as well like she challenged Ash. And after the match, we've become friends." She explained.

Later, the heroes gathered at the meadow with Ash and Korrina stands across from each other, Caitlyn stands in the middle as the referee. Ash sends out his Pikachu while Korrina sends out her Lucario.

"Alright! Let the battle begin!"

"Come on, Ash! Bring it on!" Korrina challenged him with a hand gesture, sending him a wide grin.

"Alright. Let's go, Pikachu! Quick Attack!" Pikachu starts with a Quick Attack as it charges towards Lucario, "Lucario, counter it!" Lucario charges forward and takes the hit, and it resisted Pikachu's attack as Pikachu jumps back from the Fighting/Steel-type Pokemon. "Iron Tail!" Pikachu uses Iron Tail and dive towards Lucario, "Block it!" Lucario quickly repels the attack and blocks it.

"It repelled it!" Luna gasped.

"I can feel a lot of potential coming from that Lucario. It seems tough." Clemont stated, resting his hand on his hip.

"Ash, Pikachu! Do your best!" Serena and Bonnie rooted them while Caitlyn just silently watches Korrina with cold gaze on her feature.

'Korrina, you...'

"Don't get scared, Pikachu! Keep attacking it! Iron Tail!" Pikachu uses Iron Tail again and it run towards Lucario, "Lucario, dodge it!" Lucario dodges the attack and Korrina ordered, "Swords Dance!" Lucario uses Swords Dance, which boosts its Attack stat. "Ok, Bone Rush!" Lucario uses Bone Rush that uses a bone to hit Pikachu, which is super effective.

"Don't tell me..." Ash's eyes widened in realization and horror.

"Oh, this is bad!" Bonnie exclaimed with wide eyes.

"Isn't Bone Rush a Ground-type move?" Luna asked, looking up at Clemont who nodded in response. "It's super effective against an Electric-type like Pikachu. On top of that, Lucario increases its attack power with Swords Dance. They're in big trouble." He stated.

"This is my chance! My big chance! Alright, let's attack non-stop! Bone Rush!" Lucario repeats the same attack, "Get up, Pikachu!" Ash shouted but Lucario hits Pikachu before it could even stands up, sending it flying into the sky.

"Keep attacking!!" Lucario repeats the attack again and again.


Lucario ends the battle with a Power-Up Punch, defeating Pikachu. "There it is, there it is, there it is! The Power-up Punch!!" Korrina squealed excitedly while bouncing around in place.

"Pikachu is unable to battle! Lucario wins! Therefore, the victory goes to Korrina!"

"Pikachu, are you alright?" Ash asked in concern as the heroes runs over to Pikachu. "I've won." They all look up to see Korrina and Lucarrio approaches them then she hands a berry over to Ash. "Here you go. Use this Obao Berry."

"Thank you." Ash gently cradles Pikachu in his arm while he takes the berry with his other hand, "Get your energy back, Pikachu." He said gently before feeding the berry to Pikachu.

"Your Pikachu is quite strong, but you won't be able to win at the Shalour Gym like that." Korrina stated, resting her hands on her hip.

"Huh? Why?" Serena asked.

Caitlyn cleared her throat to get her attention, which she did, before she place a hand on Korrina's shoulder, "Because Korrina is the Gym Leader of Shalour Gym." She said.

"What?!" Caitlyn have to bit her lip to keep the amusing smirk to herself, it's pretty priceless to see her friends getting shocked over this news.

"You're the Gym Leader?"

"No wonder you're strong."

Korrina turns to her Pokemon and smile, "This is our 99th straight victory. Just one more." She said as she holds up one finger. Her Lucario nodded in agreement. However, Korrina and Lucario's stomach growled, causing them to blush in embarrassment.

"Oh no, my stomach is growling." Then Korrina quickly come up with an excuse while Cailtyn raise a brow at the blonde-haired female amusingly, "But...Pokemon battles are very energy-consuming, you know! That's why!"

"You're right. I'm hungry, too." Ash agreed with her, and so does Pikachu.

"In that case, why don't we have lunch here?" Clemont suggested with a smile.


After Clemont and Serena finished making their lunch, Korrina and her Pokemon seems to enjoyed their food before Luna notices the Key Stone in her gloves and pointed out, "Hey, Korrina, is that...?"

Korrina smiles as she shows off her Key Stone to Bonnie and Luna, "It's a Key Stone." She replied.

"A Key Stone?"

"I knew it! It looked similar to Diantha's and Caitlyn's, so..."

Korrina blinked at Bonnie, "Diantha?" then she beamed brightly, "So you've met the Champion?" Korrina turns her head to Caitlyn and pressed, "So? How's your battle with Champion? Have you defeated her yet?"

Caitlyn shakes her head and smiles sadly, "Unfortunately, our battle has been interrupted by some misfortune. So we have to postpone our battle until the next time we meet." She replied.

Luna then start to rambling all about Caitlyn, causing the light purple-haired girl to covers her face with her hands to hide her embarrassment. "Teacher is really cool! She uses her Key Stone to mega evolve her Charizard."

Korrina chuckles lightly as she eyed Caitlyn cheekily, "So you got a hardcore fan following you around, huh?" she muses.

"You used yours to evolve your Lucario, right?" Clemont asked, changing the subject in order to help Caitlyn from getting embarrassed any longer, which the latter sends him a grateful look.

"No, it's not possible for me to. After all, Lucario doesn't have a Mega Stone, yet." Korrina replied.

"It doesn't?" Serena questioned.

"So you've only got a Key Stone?" Ash added.

"Yeah. I got this from my grandpa." Korrina replied as she hold up her hand to gaze at her Key Stone, then she look back at the heroes with an exciting look on her face. "You see, the first person to ever mega evolve a Lucario is an ancestor of mine."

"Ancestor?" Bonnie looks at Korrina with a puzzled look.

"Yeah. It's a custom that the Gym Leader of the Shalour Gym has a Pokemon that can Mega Evolve as their partner. We've decided that, before arriving in Geosenge Town, we'll battle 100 times straight. But..." Korrina rubs the back of her head sheepishly as she glances at Caitlyn, "I kinda have to do it again ever since I lose to Caitlyn, but she teaches me a lot of stuff about her bonds with her Pokemon and strength! So that's why I promise to myself that if I ever want to get the Mega Stone and defeat Caitlyn again, I have to win 100th trainers!"

"And I was the 99th opponent?" Ash asked.

"But 99 straight victories...?" Serena smiles lightly and stated, "I know you're a Gym Leader and all, but that's hard to believe."

"I've got proof. Here" Then shows a worn out scrapbook filled with Pokemon's footprints that Lucario defeated as proof. Bonnie, Luna, and Ash leans over Korrina to see it closely and Bonnie beamed, "Wow! Are these all Pokemon you've battled?"

"Yeah, they're commemorative stamps." Korrina replied with a smile. "This one's from the Pangoro belonging to a trainer named Cult...and this one's from Sith's Krookodile. And..." Korrina suddenly screamed as if she just realized something important, which caught the heroes' attention on her.

"What's the matter?" Luna asked.

"Come to think of it, I haven't gotten one from Pikachu yet!" Korrina grabs a ketchup bottle and gets in front of Pikachu, "Excuse me for a sec." she sprays ketchup over Pikachu's paw, and places it onto her book, leaving a stain. "Huh? With Ketchup?" Caitlyn deadpanned at her friend while Pikachu licks its paw and is delighted by ketchup.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah! This will do!"

Afterwards, the heroes cleans up their items while Caitlyn decides to help Luna to groom Arcanine's fur with a brush. Caitlyn looks up and smiles at Korrina, who is pacing around with her tone laced with excitement.

"We finally have just one more to go. With our memorable 100th victory be...against Serena? Luna? Or maybe Clemont?" Korrina wondered out loud.

"Excuse me, young lady." A feminine voice announced as a truck appears out of nowhere, "Is that Lucario your partner?" the group of trainers looks at the truck curiously.


The truck opens up just to reveal a trio of weirdos, "We are in no way suspicious people. We are the Mega Evolution Appraisers." The male stated.

"'Mega Evolution Appraisers'?" Caitlyn quirk a brow at the words, "I never heard of them before..."

"We can immediately judge how strong your mega evolved Pokemon will be and what moves it will use." The smaller one explained as they walks down from the truck.

"Young lady, your Lucario is aiming to mega evolve...with the Mega Stone in Geosenge." The woman said.

"How do you know?" Korrina asked suspiciously.

"When it comes to Mega Evolution, there's nothing we can't tell." The smaller one replied.

Bonnie beamed brightly, "Whoa, so amazing!"

"Why don't we give you a full appraisal?" the woman suggested as she open up her arms, "It must be fate that we met." The other two agreed as they approaches Korrina and Lucarion.

"Oh, I'll pass," Korrina rejected their offer as she smiles at Lucario, "After all, we're already really strong! Upon mega evolving, we'll be even stronger, obviously!" her Lucario nodded in agreement.

"It will not cost any money, so don't be like that. Now, now..." the man said as the trio takes Korrina and Lucario in. "Come on, come on, this way."

"We'll hold onto this for a sec." the woman said, taking Korrina's Key Stone as well. "Uh, hey!" Korrina protested, trying to reach for her glove but the woman held it away from her. "It's fine, no need to restrain yourself." The woman reassures her.

"Hey!" but Korrina was ignored when the woman simply jumps into and place Korrina's glove on a pedestal. "While we're at it, we'll appraise Pikachu as well." The smaller one stated.


"Let us explain to you in detail how much they can power up with the Mega Stone in Geosenge Town." Caitlyn narrowed her violets eyes at them as the man picks Pikachu, ignoring its struggle, and takes it to the truck.

"Uh, hey! Hey!"

"I see. So Pikachu can Mega Evolve too, huh?" Bonnie wondered out loud, believing Pikachu can Mega Evolve too, which is not possible since Pikachu can't do that. Caitlyn knows that, and those 'Mega Evolution Appraisers' should know it as well, that not all Pokemon can mega evolve.

"How about Dedenne, then? Please tell me!" Bonnie pleaded with Luna nodded her head vigorously, "Can my Arcanine mega evolve too?!" Luna pressed eagerly, believing that Arcanine and Dedenne can mega evolve too.

"Oh, unfortunately, that Dedenne and Arcanine won't get any stronger." The woman stated bluntly.

"What?! Why not?"

"What do you mean by that?! My Arcanine is really strong!"

James jumps onto the truck and place Pikachu beside Lucario, "Alright, we'll begin with the appraisal."

"Wait a second." Caitlyn interrupted them as she shot her hand up in order to get their attention, which she successfully did, "Do you guys really knows what's in Geosenge Town?" she asked.

"The Mega Stone, of course."

"It's an indispensable item for Mega Evolotion, with the Key Stone."

"That's common knowledge! Once you've got two stones together, the Pokemon will mega evolve and powers up"

And that confirms her suspicious. Caitlyn pointed her finger accusingly at the trio and stated firmly, "Wrong, that's absurd. The Mega Stone needed for Mega Evolution differs depending on the Pokemon. In Geosenge Town you can only find Lucarionite, which only allows Lucario to Mega Evolve."

The others, excluding Korrina, were surprised to hear that as Clemont gasped in realization, "Come to think of it, Professor Sycamore told us...that Gardevoir was holding a Gardevoirite and Charizard was holding a Charizardite."

"Come to think of it, he did say something like that."

"In short, Pikachu can't mega evolve with a Lucarionite."

"Geez, you've got to keep important stuff like that in mind!" The two males only gives the woman a sheepish look while the heroes glares at the trio suspiciously.

"Are you guys really Mega Evolution Appraiser?!"

"Who are you guys?!"

Knowing that they are busted, the male swiftly grabs Caitlyn, much to her surprise, and she start screaming and kicking before he tossed her into Lucario and Pikachu, then traps them in a cage. It all happened way too fast, the truck closes up as the trio reveals themselves to be Team Rocket.

"You guys again!? How many times do I have to blast you guys off again?!" Caitlyn snarled at them, pounding her fists against the cage. "Let us go, right now!!"

"Oh no, we can't do that, Princess." James mocked her while waving his finger in front of his face.

"Let's go. I'm sure our boss will be pleased to see them." Jesse said, smirking at them evilly. Then the Team Rocket fly off in a hot air balloon with the cage that contains Lucario, Caitlyn, and Pikachu.

"Team Rocket!" Ash gasped as the Team Rocket begins to chant their motto once more, which annoys Caitlyn.

"Hey, hold it, Team Rocket! Pikachu! Caitlyn!!"

"Ash! Ash!!" Caitlyn cries out his name while pounding against the cage relentlessly.

"Team Rocket?" Korrina echoed.

"They're bad guys who try to steal Pokemon from others all the time. And now they're adding Caitlyn into their list!" Bonnie replied.

"Exactly. We're a terrifying secret agent who diligently do wrong all day and night." James stated, smirking tauntingly at them.

"You guys again?! Let them go right now!" Luna demanded angrily.

"I don't care, give Lucario back!!" Korrina shouted.

"We can't hear you!" James retorted.

"Sooner or later, we'll mega evolve Lucario and Pikachu! And then we'll form an invincible Mega Evolution Gang! Look forward to it!" Jesse exclaimed.

"We'll leave a souvenir for you." Meowth said before dropping a smoke bomb in order to distract the heroes, giving them a chance to escape.

"Ash!!" Caitlyn screamed at the top of her lungs, she keeps on pounding her fist to the point that it aches, but that didn't stops her, she have to get Lucario and Pikachu out of her before these idiots would do something horrible to them.

Then Caitlyn heard their conversation from the cage, causing her to look up and growled angrily at their words.

"First off, we'll find the Lucarionite in Geosenge Town. After that, we'll take our time searching for the Pikachunite."

"Does a Pikachunite even exist, though? Pikachu might not be able to Mega Evolve, you know."

"Don't you 'might not' me! I'll tough it out with all I've got, so it'll work out fine!"

'I thought they were idiots...but they were actually dumber than I thought.' Caitlyn sighed deeply before she looks at the two Pokemon, "Alright, listen up, you two." She started, catching both of their attention. "We have to escape no matter what! Let's try shaking this balloon!" The two Pokemon nodded before they started to shake the balloon to get out of their trap.

"They're on a rampage!"

Pikachu tried using Thunder Bolt and Lucario using Bone Rush, but to no avail. "It's no use. Attacks of that level are within our range of expectations. And don't you even think about using your Mega Charizard, princess. If you do, your Pokemon might squash you." James stated with a mocking tone that Caitlyn wanted to use her Charizard on him oh-so-badly.

"Right, right. Something as simple as this won't break the capsule." Meoth added.

Caitlyn clenched her fists tightly in front of her chest, 'Ash...Please hurry...' she silently prayed.

After a while, they're attacks are proven futile when none of their moves seems to be working at all, there's not even a crack on the cage. "What should we do...?" Caitlyn hummed thoughtfully while crossing her arms over her chest, "There must be some way to-" Caitlyn paused as a great but reckless idea popped in her mind.

"I know! Lucario, use Swords Dance!" Lucario nodded as it uses Swords Dance to boost its Attack stat. "Pikachu, use Electro Ball!" Pikachu fires an Electro Ball as it bounces around the cage. "Now, Lucario! Use Power-up Punch!" Lucario uses Power-up Punc to redirect the Electro Ball, which fly out of the cage and pierce the balloon; causing them to fly out of control and slams right into a wall, shattering the cage in the process.

Caitlyn grabs Korrina's Key Stone and Lucario carries the girl in bridal style as they lands on the ground successfully. "Thank you, Lucario." Caitlyn smiles at Lucario as it places her back onto her feet. "Now, let's go back to our friends!" The Pokemon nodded as they tries to escape, but the Team Rocket intercept them with a Shadow Ball, forcing them to dodge the attack.

"Trying to escape won't work." Jesse smirk as they already send out their Inkay and Pumpkaboo. "Pikachu, use Electro Ball!" Caitlyn ordered as Pikachu fires an Electro Ball towards them.

"Inkay, Psybeam!"

"Pumpkaboo, Dark Pulse!"

Inkay fires Psybeam to stop Pikachu from attacking them while Pumpkaboo uses Dark Pulse, which lands a devastating hit on Lucario. "Pikachu! Lucario!" Caitlyn cried out to them in concern as she immediately rushes to their side. "Are you guys alright?" she asked.

"It's over." Caitlyn looks up and glares at them, "Be good and come with us." Meowth said.

"Stop it, Team Rocket!!" Caitlyn's eyes expand as she whirled around just to see her friends have arrived, relief washed over her as she runs into Ash's open arms. "Ash! I'm so glad!!" Caitlyn cried while his Pikachu climbs onto Ash's shoulder and nuzzles its cheek against his cheek happily.

"Lucario, are you alright?" Korrina asked in concern as she kneels down beside her Pokemon.

"Oh, Korrina!" Caitlyn toss the Key Stone towards Korrina, who caught it with ease. "You've retrieved the Key Stone for me. Thank you, Caitlyn!" she beamed.

"I'm so glad you've found it!" Bonnie sighed in relief.

"Teacher!" Luna cried as Caitlyn's abdomen is assaulted by a pair of petite arms, Caitlyn only smiles as she pats the brunette's head. "I'm so happy that you're alright!" Then they all redirect their glares to Team Rocket.

"In that case, we'll settle this with a Pokemon Battle." Meowth stated.

Ash releases Caitlyn and smiles at Korrina, "Looks like your 100th victory will be a tag battle, Korrina." He said.
Korrina nodded, "Yeah." Then she stands up as the two faces Team Rocket, "Let's do this, Ash!"

"Let's go, Pikachu!"

"Lucario, it's up to you!"

Caitlyn watches them with a small smile forming on her face, crossing her arms over her chest. 'Remember your promise, Korrina. After this, you can get your Mega Stone and battle with me...Show me what you got, Korrina!'

"Pumpkaboo, Shadow Ball!!"


Pumpkaboo and Inkay attacks with Shadow Ball and Psybeam, "Lucario, Bone Rush!" Lucario uses Bone Rush to negate these attacks. "It's not over! Inkay, use Tackle on Lucario!" Inkay goes to Tackle Lucario, "Lucario, Power-Up Punch!" Lucario uses Power-Up Punch on Inkay, sends it flying into the air. With one powerful leap, Lucario appears in front of Inkay and Bone Rush on it. "Geez, how pitiful! Shadow Ball!" Pumpkaboo goes to use Shadow Ball, "Pikachu, Thunderbolt!" Pikachu uses Thunderbolt against Team Rocket, sending them blasting off again.

Korrina punch her victorious fist into the air and cheered, "Alright, we've achieved 100 straight victories!" Korrina and Lucario high-five at their 100th victory, even if they didn't get the footprints as proof.

"We won 100 times in a row and made ourselves so much stronger. Time to rush to Geosenge Town!" Korrina exclaimed, her fist in front of her face.

"Hey, Korrina, may we go with you?" Caitlyn asked.

"Me too. I want to see Lucario in its mega evolved form." Ash added with a smile.

Luna claps her hands together and chimed, "I want to see, too! You don't get this chance every day!"

"Me too, me too!" Bonnie chirped, raising her hand up in the air.

"I want to see too!" Serena smiles, expressing her excitement.

Clemont pushes his glasses up and smiles, "To be able to see the mystery of Mega Evolution and the secret with our very own eyes...I definitely can't miss this!"

Korrina stares at them before she and Lucario exchange looks and nodded, "Yeah. Ok! I will show you Mega Lucario!" She winks at them and balls her fist in front of her chest, "Now that that's decided, let's make a dash! Dash!!"

Korrina dashes with Lucario, along with the heroes, making Clemont unhappy.

"What, we're running again?!"

"Don't fall behind, Clemont!"

"Clemont, hurry, hurry!"

"That's easy for you to say! Let me ride Arcanine, too!"

"Sorry, Arcanine is already full!"

Caitlyn and her friends met with Korrina and Lucario, the Gym Leader of the Shalour Gym. In pursuit of the Lucarionite which can mega evolve Lucario, the group sets off towards Geosenge Town.

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