The Chapter Where Everyone Decides To Pay You A Visit

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You chocked on your nonexistent water as you checked the time and date. How had the year gone by so quickly? Next week was the final Triwizard Task, and soon after that it'd be the end of the school year.

You had already told Hermione and Angelina that you were going to tutoring, and they only allowed you to go once you had promised them that you would tell Fred your true feelings immediately afterwards.

Entering the old abandoned classroom, you settled at a table and started to unpack your stuff. It was only when you had dropped your cauldron on your toe did you notice someone else's presence in the room.

"SHIT!" You exclaimed as the cauldron hit your foot, yanking it up into your hand so fast that had you blinked you would've missed it, nursing your foot to the best of your ability.

There was an amused laugh, followed by a cold sneer that you would've recognized anywhere.

You turned to face Draco, who was sitting at a table a few tables behind yours. You folded your arms.

"What're you doing in here?" You asked, curiosity getting the best of you.

"Oh, I dunno," he said sarcastically, advancing towards you, "maybe I'm here for my tutor session?"

"Tutor session?" Neville asks, poking his head into the classroom. He turns to you. "I thought you said that tutoring was today..."

"Wait, you go to tutoring? This place is really going to the dogs—" Draco sneered, when another voice completed the Unholy Trinity of Your Worst Nightmare.

"Shut up, Malfoy." Harry leaned against the doorframe, wand in hand, clearly waiting for a reason to attack. "What're you even doing in here?"

"I'd like to ask you the same." Draco said, taking a step foreword and advancing towards Harry.

You quickly took a step in between the two boys before they could go any further, your arms stretched out to keep them as far away from each other as possible. Neville stood near you, and all three pairs of eyes landed on you.

"Please tell me I didn't triple book myself for tutoring." You asked helplessly, gazing at all three of them hopefully. When none responded, you groaned. "Well shit."

"Uh, I could leave, if you want..." Neville started, but you shook your head.

"No, this was supposed to be your last session. For all of you." You added.

"So let me get this straight," Draco said, his blond brows furrowed in thought, "all of you go to tutoring?"

Neville and Harry promptly turned pink; Neville bowing his head down to avoid Draco's gaze and Harry looking anywhere but at Draco.

"Ha!" He laughed. You stepped on his toe, and he whimpered. "Ouch! What was that for?"

"Being a git," you answered honestly.

A smirk spread across Harry's face. "So why are you here, Malfoy?"

"If you must know, I'm trying to further my learning to a higher standard than required."

"Pfft." You rolled your eyes. "He's just learning a few extra potions and stuff. No biggie."

Draco glared at you, and you glared right on back. You had to deal with him during the summers and whenever your families met up, so staring Draco down was in your blood.

"I hate you."

You put a hand to your chest in mock hurt. "And just when we were starting to get along."

IT'S LOVE! ☆ fred weasley x fem! reader ✓Where stories live. Discover now