Part 20: On My Wedding Day

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I look at myself in the mirror one more time. I can't believe this it, this is THE day. The makeup is done, my hair is up on a braided bun. I wanted a moment alone to take it all in. I look at the dress hanging to my left, designed exclusively for me. I thought it was excessive but everyone insisted. The door opens slowly, I turn around, and see him.

"Everything okay?" I ask.

"Just wanted to make sure you didn't run away," he says walking toward me with a boyish grin.

"No chance, you're stuck with me now." I tease him.

He takes my hand and turns me back around to face the mirror. He wraps his hands around my waist and hunches forward to give me a peck on the cheek.

"Is this the book ending you imagined?"

Is this really the ending I imagined? If you had asked me a year ago, I would've told you a different story. But here we are now, hours away from sealing our fate. The fate we chose.


I'm standing on the sidewalk, it's cold and I'm shivering. Namjoon is walking away. I want to run after him. I want to tell him what an idiot he is. I want to yell at him that he can't do this. I want to beg him to stay. But I don't do any of these things.

"Eleanor, what's going on?" Michael grabs my arm, forcing me to look at him. Unable to speak, I shake my head and go inside.

I run to the bathroom and lock myself in a stall. I take a couple of deep breaths. I don't want to think about what just happened. Don't cry. Don't cry. Don't cry!

A couple of minutes later, I hear a knock.

"Hey it's Ana, are you alright?"

Ana, my agent.

"I heard about Namjoon, why didn't you tell me?"

She's also one of the few people who know about Namjoon and me.

"I was going to but you've been busy with all of this," I say opening the door stall.

"What exactly happened?"

Ana comes up with an excuse for us to leave the party early, it was almost over anyway she says. I tell Michael I'll see him at the hotel later. We go to a bar and I tell Ana everything. I start crying and the bartender gives me a shot "on the house." 

"I knew something wasn't right. I saw it on your face when Michael proposed." Ana takes a sip of her drink before speaking again. "Are you going to tell him?"

"Yes," I say looking at the ring on my finger. "I have to give this back. There's no way I can marry him."

"What about Namjoon, are you gonna let him walk away again?"

I swallow the shot in front of me and immediately regret it. I get off the stool and grab my purse.

"He made his choice and now it's time I make mine."


My bridesmaids come in interrupting our moment. He steps away and shyly puts his hands in his pockets.

"Aw, can you two stop being so perfect. You're going to make me cry already!" My childhood friend says.

"You're not supposed to be here! It's like bad luck or something, go away." His sister grabs his arm and starts pushing him out.

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