Chapter 23

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The alarm clock screams wake up as i hit snooze. I feel another hand fall on top of mine of i open my eyes in surprise, seeing Violets beautiful face.
She slowly opens her eyes and smiles when she sees me. I kiss her forehead and she softly caresses my cheek.
I melt in her gaze and the sun shines through the window, warming my back.
Suddenly theres a knock on the door and me and Violet sit straight up, shes wearing an oversized shirt and im shirtless!
"Come in!" Violet calls nervously.
Her dad enters the room and narrows his eyes.
"Its not what you think!" Violet says, eyes wide.
"Bruh" i roll my eyes, throwing the covers off revealing sweatpants covering my legs.
Mr. Aflet relaxes, and unnarrows his eyes.
"Get ready for school, guys" he says, then leaves the room, closing the door behind him.
I throw on some ripped skinny jeans and a black shirt with a skull on the front. Violet slips on some black leggings and a purple shirt.
I flash her a smile and she nods.

~Time skip~

We arrive and school and head over to our lockers, which were moved side by side. The rest of the elementals appear five minutes later, making me jump.
"Everyone is awfully quiet today" Ennard notices.
"I wonder why" Marionette says.
Suddenly everyone glances down the hallway in sync. I hear whispers throughtout the people crowding the sides of the hallway, "thats the new kid", "he looks so edgy", "whats up with him?", "ive never seen someone with black hair and brown eyes".
Since there are people crowding our view we walk into the hallway, and what we see surprises us.
Its an emo edgy kid that looks very well dressed, but his hair is really messy, he looks built for success. He has black rimmed glasses sitting on the bridge of his nose.
"Oh my god" Chica whispers under her breath.
"Who is he?" Teal Blue asks.
"So whos gonna do the honors and talk to him?" Marionette asks.
Puppet shudders, "not me" he says, then everyone looks at me.
"What?" I ask.
"Youre gonna have to do it" Teal says.
"Pay me and i'll do it" i smirk.
"How much?" Teal asks.
"Fifteen bucks" i say.
"Deal" Teal says.
"Dont forget to invite him to eat with us at lunch" Puppet adds.
I nod, walking towards the new guy, who is just leaning against what i assume is his locker.
"Hey" i say, stopping in front of him.
"Hey" he says, greeting me smoothly.
"Whats your name?" I ask.
"Why do you care?" He sneers.
"Fine. I'll go first. Hi im Vincent, and my favourite color is purple. What about you?" I say.
"Twilight. I dont have a favourite color" he says flatly.
"Isnt it black or sum?" I ask.
"What the-? No!" Twilight gags.
I roll my eyes, "dont give me that attitude. Whats your favourite color?" I ask.
"Why are you so persistant on knowing my favourite color?" Twilight asks.
"Because i wanna get to know you!" I say cheerfully.
"Fiiine. My favourite color is brown" Twilight hisses.
"Woah, hostile much" i say, throwing my hands up in mock defense.
Twilight chuckles, "sorry i just met you".
This confuses me, usually every new kid here is very open and willing to talk to others. His personality kinda reminds me of me of someones...
"Nah its chill" i say.
"You know what? I like you, as a friend" Twilight smiles, crossing his arms.
"Woah. No ones ever said that to me before" i say.
Twilight chuckles again, "how many friends you have?" He asks.
I put my hand on my chest, "did you just assume i have friends?" I say sarcastically, earning a laugh from Twilight.
"Sorry, its just, you seem really easy to be friends with" Twilight says.
"Is that a compliment?" I ask.
"Maybe. Anyways, answer my question" Twilight demands.
"Six, including my girlfriend" i answer.
"Nice, who are they?" He asks.
"Puppet and Marionette, who are twins. Chica and Teal Blue, Ennard, and Violet, my girlfriend and Lolbit" i say, "i'll introduce them to you at lunch. Speaking of lunch...." i trail off, staring down the hallway.
"Speaking of lunch..." Twilight urges me to go on.
I shake my head, "wanna eat lunch with me and my friends?" I ask.
Twilight shrugs, "sure" he says.

At lunch...

"Hey brown eyes, you look weird" someone says behind me, earning a bunch of snickers from his friends.
I shove my hands in my pockets.
"Coward" he spits, and his homies burst out in laughter.
I turn around to see who it was, crimson hair, golden eye, hook for a hand. Its got to be Foxy.
"Cmon guys, aint he a coward?" Foxy says, smirking at a brunette and someone with white hair and pink hightlight, and someone with orange eyes.
"Call me coward one more time and i will fricking beat your ass" i growl.
"Ohhhh menacing. Scary" Foxy says sarcastically.
"This only ends one way" i hiss.
"Ahhh! Im so scared" Foxy says, rolling his eyes, "come at me, this is just proving how much of a coward you are" Foxy laughs.
Thats it.
I narrow my eyes, and charge at him, ramming him into a row of lockers. He gasps, and his homies gape at me.
I am a nightmare by design. I dont know how i was created, but all i know is that.
He punches my jaw, and punch his stomach. He quickly gets on the other side of me and shoves me into the lockers, makes to punch me but i block it.
He smirks and the tip of his hook gleams. I look at it fearfully, even though the look is fake.
He cuts my cheek, laughing gleefully.
"Youre a maniac" i hiss, kicking him away.
"HEY!" Someone yells, and i look toward the source, whilst Foxy pauses mid punch, "could you stop fighting? What good does it do?" She asks.
"Good point" the boy with orange eyes says.
"Thank you Flash" she says, relieved.
Foxy rolls his eyes, and backs away from me, "sorry i called you a coward" he apologizes.
"Nah man its chill" i smile.
"So we good?" He asks, holding out his hand for me to shake to make up.
"Yep" i shake his hand then i shove mine back in my pockets.
"So Twilight you eating with us" the girl asks.
"I dont even know who you are" i say.
"Oh im Lolbit, one of Vincents friends" she says.
"Oh yeah he mentioned you" i say.
We walk towards the cafeteria. Vincent said shes really talkative but im engulfed in silence.
We head toward a table in the corner, and Lolbit sits down next to who i can only assume is Teal Blue, because the color of her hair is teal blue.
"Oh hey Twilight" Vincent says, sitting down at the table.
"Hey" i sit down next to him.
"Is your hair natural?" Vincent asks.
"Is your hair natural?" I ask.
"I ask first" Vincent says.
Real smooth, Vincent.
"I asked second" i chuckle.
"Answer my god damn question" Vincent growls.
"Answer my god damn question" i hiss.
"Annoying bitch" he mutters under his breath.
"Excuse me?" I narrow my eyes.
"I just said youre an annoying bitch" Vincent laughs.
"Say that one more time and its going down" i growl.
"Annoying bitch" Vincent says, unphased.
I stand up, upturning his tray of food, and Vincent stands up with me.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" I yell.
"I could ask the same for you" Vincent says, still unphased, which annoys me.
I shove him, "everything is wrong with you, bitch" i spit in his face.
This finally angers him, "dont you dare shove me" he says, punching my jaw.
"I fucking hate you" i yell, punching his eye.
He punches my nose, making it bleed, and i punch his cheek. He makes to punch my stomach but i block it, and i kick him away from me. He stumbles back, catching his breath.
"Vincent, what did you do?" Violet asks.
"He started it!" Vincent says, pointing at me.
"Annoying ass bitch thats unphased by every single fucking thing i say" i say, trying to use all the curses in one sentence.
I lick the blood off my lips and lick it off my fingers from the cut on my cheek.
"Does it taste good?" Vincent asks.
I nod, recieving strange looks from his friends.

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