Imagining CrowHaven

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Just a bunch of short little ideas I have. This chapter is an experiment and will be edited more than a few times.

Dark skin shining softly as he stands there, bare from most clothing. A content sigh leaves his mouth, lips slightly swollen from the session just had. You know the feel of those lips well. The little scar he has on his upper lip, and the marks from his long teeth on his inner lip. The long tongue hidden away inside powerful jaws. That tongue was pure sin. The thick muscle having dissapierd inside you and gotten you off many times, wraping around the most sensitive place on your body and stroking. Warm and wet.
Sharp teeth were hidden behind his dark lips, the ones responsible for the marks on your neck and shoulder, the soft stinging left from biting just a little too deep. The sound of his voice, heavy with arousle and guilt as he whispered apologies after biting down to hard. He would allways kiss the marks, telling you how much you ment to him, how absolutely perfect you were to him. He would want no other. You were his everything.
His white eyes gleamed slightly, the lights from cars in the street reflecting in the blank, but so full of life orbs. The love in them when he looked at you, the way his eyes squinted a bit when he smiled and laughed. The deep red they turned when he was craving your body, your taste.

He perked slightly, turning from his window gazing as you spoke. He smiled, a warm look over taking him as he walked twards you, crawling back into bed. Strong arms wraped around you and pulled you against his still naked body, the warm flesh pressing against your own as he chuckled softly. He gently kissed your forehead, before resting his head in the crook of your neck.
"Of course I will cuddle you. Rest my dear, I will stay with you through the night."

Crow groaned, his voice filling the otherwise silent room. He could imagen you under him, begging for him over, and over again. It was almost painful, how much he needed you. A low whine left him as he layed on the bed you two shared, his claws catching in the sheets as he reached up, attempting to ground himself. He struggled, but managed to take off the tanktop he had warn today, the fabric suddenly far to tight and itchy for his tastes. The smooth, slightly cool sheets under him felt much better on his over heated body. He buried his face in your pillow, inhailing your slightly stale scent. It eased the ache in his soul, but only raged the fire inside him all the more, rubbing against his shorts.
He grunted, lips pulling back in a displeased grimice as he pulled down his shorts, freeing himself from his fabric prison with a whine. He was sensitive, and couldn't help to wrap a hand around his leangth, thinking of you. How absolutely perfect you were to him. Nothing would make him love you less. He found himself, teeth buried in your pillow and rutting against the bed, a few moments later. He didn't try to stop, digging his claws into the bed as he snarled, imagening you under him and filling you. Claiming you. You were his- no one else could have you!

This is why he hated heats. He was dangerous, and had to make you leave so he wouldn't hurt you. His brother was more than willing to let you live with him for the week, and crow was clad you were safe... But fuck did it hurt to be away.

(I don't know where I was going with this one.)

_natsist Thank you so much for the fan art! My boi looks so good-
I can't stop looking at it!
You are a big insparation for me and I squealed when you commented-

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