Chapter V

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~Amira's pov~

Feeling the beat of the music running through my body, I sway my hips in a rhythmic motion, surely attracting some attention.

I place my arms in my hair and feel the sweaty bodies against me. Not used to this feeling, I finally feel free.

Free from my parents...

Free from life...

Closing my eyes and being one with the music, a pair of large hands grasp my waist. Shocked with the sudden surprise, my eyes bolt open.

"I saw your little sexy body dancing alone, thought you'd want company..." a deep husky voice whispers in my ear. This exact same voice which seems so familiar to me.

The pair of rough hands turn me around to face the beautiful stranger. I am met with familiar emerald green orbs glaring down upon me.

The beautiful strangers eyes hold a trance which pulls me to him. Im memorised by the calming aura he provides. However, through his orbs are mystery and trauma. A broken soul waiting to escape the deep depts of the darkness.

The stranger gently pushes a strand of my black hair behind my ear. I blush at his action and continue to check out his features.

Brown locks. Sharp jawline. Plump lips. Emerald eyes.

"How about we take this upstairs... piccola ragazza?"
He huskily whispers in my ear, sending chills throughout my body.

However, I'm not stupid to follow this stranger. Who obviously gives off dangerous and mysterious vibes.

"N-No... I actually wanted to stay here." I nervously tell the stranger before me. His expression changes and his jaw is clenched.

"I mean... you can stay here with me. And dance..." I reassure him. His face turns into a bundle of joy. Glee beaming through his eyes and a smirk pulls at his lips.



~Adriana's pov~

I take another look at my phone, the message repeats in my mind.

From Zander:
"Sorry Baby, i couldn't make it tonight x"

I sigh and sit down on one of the bar stools. Recently he has been acting different. I'm too scared to call him out or make assumptions, so I always give him the benefit of the doubt.

When I arrived at the club to meet Amira and Juliette, he wasn't here. I waited for thirty minutes on my own, and now he texts me with some dumb excuse.

I glance around the club to find Amira and Juliette. I see them dancing happily together.

Maybe I should stay here. I don't want to put all my problems on them.

"Hello. Can I get ya something?" I turn my head around to see who's talking to me. The bartender is standing tall, cleaning the table with a towel.

"Umm... just a water please." I reply shyly. Unlike my friends, I'm not a fan of drinking. Growing up with a strict household and with my parents suffocating me with rules.

"Sure thing! Won't be too long." The bartender sends me a wink and heat grows on my cheeks.

Stop! You have a boyfriend!

The bartender passes me a bottle of water with a note attached to it. My eyes glimpse across it and it reads;
"For a beautiful girl, I'll give it to you for free"

Yet again, heat rises to my cheeks and I look away shyly. I turn the paper over and see that he wrote his number down.

"The names Casper." He places his hand out for me to shake. I accept his hand and send him a smile. The more I look at him, the more I realise that he is actually quite good looking. His dark brown hair and hazel eyes, a genuine smile plastered on his face.

"I'm Adriana." I reply. He lets go of my hand and brushes his hand through his hair.

"I actually have to get back to work... but call me sometime. I'd really like to hang out." He says shyly, rocking back and forth on his feet.

Adriana stop! You have a boyfriend!

My world stops. Should I really accept his offer? I mean, it doesn't have to be romantic. He seems like a nice friend.

Thinking about the possible outcomes, I decide to go for what I want...




Hey bitches!!!
So I finally updated this story, I apologise for taking so long. I had authors block and I was very busy.
Anyway! Did you enjoy this little story about Adriana?
Each of my characters hold a different story behind them and I can't wait to explore each one!
Also I'll be doing another character cast list for all the new people; for example, Casper.
I'm also thinking of editing my chapters to add aesthetic pictures at the beginning, like I do in my other book 'Sweet Blood'.

See you in the next chapter xx

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