17 // the usual

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the usual


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I don't know how I did it, but I just managed to write six new songs.

"What have you got for me?" Mason asked, sitting across from me in his chair.

"I've got four," I said. The other two would definitely not be okay for him.

"Awesome!" Mason smiled. I wasn't sure for what though. He hadn't even heard them yet.

"Mason, can I talk to you for a bit?" I asked him.

"Sure. What about?"

"I really need some time off," I sighed, resting my head on his desk.

"I promise you, after this tour—"

"I never even agreed to do a tour," I mumbled.

Mason was quiet for a bit, but I felt his eyes watching the top of my head, so I looked up again.

"I need some... I don't know. Maybe some rebranding?" I said, albeit doubtfully. Even I didn't really know what I wanted.

"After the tour we'll talk about it," he finished. "Now leave."

I sighed and got up, leaving his office. Sometimes I wondered if I'd be better off without him. Sure, he knows how the industry works and such, and at first a manager seemed like an essential.

However, I'd been living this life since I was sixteen. After almost seven years in the industry, I might be better off without someone telling me what to do.

My phone vibrated with a text message.

Hey 🙃

Such a short and simple message, yet a smile spread on my face when I got to read it.

Almost two weeks passed since we last met up, but we'd texted almost every day. I've been constantly busy with writing, and he probably had his own things to do.

Hey yourself 😁

What are you doing?

I walked towards my car, still waiting for a reply, when Gen called.

"Oakley, what are ya doing today?" she asked.

"Well, I just came back from Mason's."

"Oh right. What did he say?"

"It's not my brand. Lyrics are fine but we need to change the music."

I finally got to my car.

"Such bullshit," Genevieve remarked. "Do they want you to stay little teenage romantic forever?"

"Feels like it." I sighed. I was getting tired of my own music. I never really listened to it myself. Then why should I make it?

There have been literal compilations of me online. 'Oakley Carrillo hating his music for 3 minutes straight' went viral last week. Mason just told me to stop making faces when I hear it.

"Hmm. I thought you said you were fine with your music?" she said. I could hear her smirk through the phone.

"Well, I was wrong," I mumbled.

My phone vibrated with a message once again. I couldn't help but check it.

Just walked down the street to be stalked by a bunch of strangers. The usual.

I couldn't help but to laugh at that.

"Oakleeey," Gen whined. "Don't leave me out of the fun."

"Sorry. It was nothing," I said, the smile still playing on my lips as I replied.

Aha. Lovely as always

"I'll come over for bit," I told Gen. "See you in a few minutes?"

"Yay! Bye Oaks," she said before hanging up.

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