chapter 5

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I laughed loudly at Megan as we walked into my dorm, receiving some dodgy looks from students walking past. We had just come back from a festival and Megan had insisted on getting ice cream so we did and now she had it on her nose, her chin and had somehow managed to get it in her eyebrow.

Niall, Louis, Liam,Zayn and lucy were in there, chatting. Liam and Zayn were squished into each other on the chair ( A/N ooh la la ) and Louis , lucy and Niall were on Louis' bed. At the sight of us, lucy jumped up and ran at us. I thought she was going to hug me but instead she pounced on Megan whilst squealing.


Me and Niall looked at each other with a look of confusion on her face.

"Wait, you two know each other." We chorused.

"Duuuuh, SHE'S MY SISTER!!" They chorused

Everyone looked at them, shocked.

"HOW DID WE NOT KNOW ABOUT THIS!!!" Louis shouted as loud as he could, making me flinch

"I DO NOT KNOW!!!!!" Megan and Lucy screamed in unison.

"EVERYBODY JUST SHUT UP!!" I yelled which made everyone shut their mouths immediately.

They all looked at each other and then looked at me in shock. This made me burst out laughing, I couldn't help it they all looked so funny. They started laughing to and soon we were rolling around on the floor. After the laughter had died down, Lucy and Megan wondered back to their shared form and Liam and Niall went to theirs.

Liam hugged Zayn goodbye and as he left I saw Zayn sighing in happiness and staring at the closed door like he was in love. I sat down next to him and nudged his shoulder. He looked at me.

"What?" He question.

"Someone has a crush on Liam." I answered in a singsongy voice.

"No I don't..." He replied.

"Yes you do." I nudged him again.

"Maybe..." He whispered.

I jumped up and lifted him into the air.

"Awww, my little Zaynie's growing up." I shouted and he hit my arm.

It was actually the first crush on a gay guy he'd ever had.

Eeeeeeeeeeeh. God I sound like a girl

__________--------------- _________--------------____
Omgggggggggggg lol

If you actually read this story comment 'RIP Zayn's Nokia' pleeeeaaaaaaaase. God I sound needy. WHO LOVES FOUR


*wipes away a tear of happiness at the thought of that song*


meggers xx :-*

[DISCONTINUED] The school for troubled teens| larry Stylinson / ziam mayne auWhere stories live. Discover now