Chapter 22: Cloud 9

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Nash Grier POV


"Guessing you love her," Jc said to me as I sang a love song.


"You just sang, if you can call it that, 'Sammi, your love got me on a cloud. Cloud 9," Jc said, "An original?"

"I love her. She's amazing and loyal," I said as I petted our cat, Oscar.

"You guys aren't even married and you already have a child," Jc fake cried, "They grow up so fast. It was just yesterday when you two first met."

"She's great," I told him and Jc looked at me.

"In the three years I've known her, you're the first stable relationship she's ever had," Jc says, "Not to down or rain on your parade but lets hope it lasts."

"What do you mean?"

"She's not the best at saying her feelings," he said, "I remember hearing her and Dakota talk about it for the longest."

"Still love her," I said, "In fact, I'm going to tell her."

"Tell who what?" Taylor said when he came into the room.

"Tell Sammi I love her," I told him and I swore he twitched. Really hard. The sort of forced a smile.


"I'm going to just tell you," Taylor looked at me.

"Uh oh," Jc gets in between us.

"Sammi and I have been hooking up behind your back," Taylor said and I paused and looked at him.

"What?" I said.

"We've been dating behind your back," Taylor said and Jc grabbed me and held me back.

"I am going to fucking kill you," I yelled at him, "What is with you and ruining people's relationships? Lila wasn't enough, you wanted my girlfriend, too!"

"She didn't want you anymore!" Taylor yelled back.

"You asshole," I yelled at him.


Ali Martinez POV


Brent and I we're kissing when we heard a thud from the room beside us followed by yelling and cursing.

"Go check it out?" Brent asked.

"Yeah," I said, "This better not have anything to do with Madi's suitors."

"I think we're over that one," Brent said, "What the hell is going on?"

We opened the door to the room and saw Jc holding back a mad Nash and a yelling Taylor.

"I'll get Taylor," Brent said and I held him back.

"I got this," I went behind Taylor (Being short has its advantages) and grabbed his ear and dragged him down to the floor, then sat on his back so he wouldn't get up.

"So," I asked Jc, "What's this about?"

"Cheaters gotta cheat," Jc said and I kind of read the room.

"Sammi cheated. With Taylor?" Brent got there before I did.

"The second we solve one problem another one comes along. Fuck our lives," I said.

"That's exactly what he was doing with Sammi," Nash yelled and Taylor tried to say something but I put his head to the floor so he will shut up.

"Nash, say another word and this will be your fate," I said and they shut up.

"Samantha Evelyn Nicole Maria Ortega get your ass in her right now!" I yelled and Brent looked at me, "Shut up. We're about to nip this in the bud. I sick of all this drama with us groups. We're worse the Real Housewives."

"What?" Sammi came in then looked around the room, "Uh oh."

"Which one do you want to be with?" Jc asked her, "You can only say one word and it better be their name. I don't wanna hear any, 'You know I love ya but...'. Cuz we don't have time for some bullshit."

"We don't have the time to be sorry," Brent mumbled/sang and I looked at him, "Sorry."

"I don't wanna do this right now," Sammi said and ran out the room.

"That wasn't one word. That was seven. People don't follow the rules," Jc said and Nash looked at him.

"Can I just punch him? Not Taylor, Jc," Nash asked me and I shrugged and Taylor mumbled something and I thumped him on the head. And to believe, I'm the nice one of ALOL. I'll give that title to Tani.

Finding Our Love (Magcon/O2L)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora