Chapter 23: Departure

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1995 September 1st 6:21am.

'Why the fuck do we have to get up this early' Harry signed tiredly. Draco looked over and answered with an equally as tired tone.

"We have to get ready to get on the train Hades, we need to have a pureblood reputation. That means we have to be up early to look like we wake up perfectly. It's bullshit but we would be lectured about keeping the family name respetable." Harry nodded and got up gently, limping over to where Ostium and Venenum were laying on Harry's suitcase.

Harry had recovered partly from his leg injury and could walk at a limping pace now. His vocal cords were still injured and needed more time to heal, breathing was still hard and painful, but he covered it well. Eating was not a problem since his Voodoo doll inheritance didn't need to eat, so he was fine for a while. He could eat but it hurt a lot to eat solid food.

'It's just a pain in the arse that I have to pretend that Granger and Weasley are still my friends' Harry signed after letting Ostium hang from his shoulders and Venenum sit in Harry's leather jacket pocket.

"Just think about it like this, the sooner you get that over with, the sooner you can kill them" Draco reasoned. He had become aware of Harry's plan a while ago and after hearing the full story of Dumbledore's plan to use Harry, he was fully on board. Narcissa and Lucius had also been told of Harry's inheritance after Draco found out but had not been told about Harry's plan.

Ostium had grown up to 5 feet now, he was almost up to Harry and Draco's heights. It wouldn't be long until he would be at his full size. They are guessing anyway, no actual records of how big his kind of occamy gets, most likely much bigger than the normal occamy, which was pretty fucking big. Venenum's colours had gotten a lot more vibrant, but now she could change colours, like a metamorphmagus could. Sometimes it expressed her emotions, but most of the time it was just her fucking around with it.

Harry would also find a way to change his appearance whether it be shape or colour. He wondered if that was another one of his hidden abilities.

9:58am. Harry was at the dining table with Draco at his side and Lucius and Narcissa opposite the two boys. Harry was drinking a smoothie he had whipped up quickly and sat down listening to the Malfoys' conversation, smiling every time Draco would try to tickle his sides as a way to fully wake Harry up. Ever since Harry had left the Dursleys, he had been able to sleep for longer without waking up earlier. Now he had gotten used to it and missed being able to sleep in.

10:03am. "Harry dear, you do realise you have to wear your own clothes and go in by yourself right?" Narcissa asked carelessly. Harry nodded solemnly.

'Yes and I might punch Weasley and Granger in the face if they try to even pretend to like being around me' Harry signed with a completely neutral and 'done with your shit' face. Everyone laughed because they knew that's all the two Gryffindors would be doing anyway.

"Anyway child, you better get changed into your muggle clothes and then we'll drop you off at the barrier" Lucius suggested, a sympathetic tone to his voice. They knew Harry would get extremely agitated at Granger and Weasley, it was only a matter of time until he snapped.

Harry sighed and nodded then got up, leaving the room towards his own. "Draco you best carry your suitcase down as well. We need to be ready." Draco nodded and left quickly going upstairs.

10:46am. Four figures stood at the entrance of the manor. All had stoic and stone cold expressions on, a perfect mask hiding their emotions. "I sent an owl to Severus, telling him that Harry's vocal cords have been injured and he will not be able to talk. Severus will spread the word; saying that someone anonymous told him about it. The word will eventually be spread to Dumbledore." Lucius informed, talking with a cold and emotionless tone, ready to face the public.

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