I'm Happy [23]

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Nicole looked confident, despite her over growing anxiety to have the eldest Winchester brother's hands anywhere near her.

"I mean, if you want me too." He chuckled nervously, twitching his head like he did when he was anxious. She sighed and rested her right hand on the back of his neck, then pulled him forward to press her lips against his. His hands met the small of her back as he pulled her closer into the kiss. Her left hand found his neck right next to her right hand, but she focused on finding a rhythm in Dean's lips. When she found it, it made her not want to let go. She'd been dying to know what kissing Dean Winchester was like, and now that she was experiencing it, she couldn't wrap her head around the fact that he could make her so submissive. When the kiss finally ended, Nicole had to stop to breath. Dean left his hands on her back as she pressed her forehead to his chest. She couldn't help but adore the cologne he wore after not having a shower for what felt like weeks due to their captivity.

"Hey, you okay?" Dean mumbled quietly. She smiled, loving the fact that he was dominant and sexy but would still be careful with her if she needed it. She looked up into his deep green eyes and bit her lip.

"I'm happy." She answered simply. He grinned and pulled her closer to him to hug her, setting his chin on the top of her head.

"Dean, where are you?" Sam asked impatiently over Dean's phone. He smiled and wrapped his arm around Nicole's shoulders, letting her cuddle up to him sleepily

"Somewhere." He answered slyly.

"Somewhere, great. That's wonderful, now where are you? Bobby and Rufus are going crazy looking for Nicole and you, and you just now pick up the phone, jerk?" He growled angrily.

"Nicole is fine, and I'm better than fine. We'll be back at Bobby's place when they don't want my head on a stick." He told him before hanging up the phone. Nicole rubbed her eyes and wrapped her right arm around Dean's shirtless torso.

"Who was it?"

"Just Sammy wanting to know where I hid your body." He shrugged. She giggled softly, still barely awake.

"Are you hungry?" Dean asked before kissing her forehead lightly.

"Not for food." She smirked as she rolled away from him. He chuckled as he sat up, climbing out of the motel bed. He loosely wore his jeans and he was deprived of a shirt, giving Nicole a sight to look at.

"Wanna get greasy food made by a dude with daddy issues who somehow makes the best burger ever?" Nicole asked as she threw on the nearest shirt. Dean stopped and smirked.

"You're like the reincarnation of me." He chuckled. She shrugged.

"That's why we get along so well, darling." She smirked as she rested her weight on her right leg. Dean scanned her outfit, finding that she was wearing his black Led Zepplin T-shirt. It was resting loosely off of her right shoulder and showing him her black bra strap due to his larger size on her smaller body. Her curly dark brown hair was pulled up into a ponytail, and she wore light blue skinny jeans with black platform boots. The way she was posed made him wish she was his girlfriend.

"Dean!" She called as she snapped her fingers. He looked up at her, meeting her hazel eyes.

"Damn, you're beautiful." He spat out without thinking. She rolled her eyes and giggled, then walked forward to grab his hand and pull him out the motel door. He allowed himself to be pulled out to his car, and he stopped to admire it. Nicole smirked and walked over to lean against the hood of his car.

"Gorgeous against gorgeous, genius." He smiled, and Nicole giggled.

"Winchester!" A familiar voice shouted, and Dean turned around to find an old friend he hadn't seen in a long time.

"Sheriff Mills!" He smiled, allowing the police woman to hug him.

"Ain't seen you in awhile, kid. Heard you and your brother were back in town and had to get intel from Bobby. He told me to watch out for the broad with brown hair that would be with you, and to bring her back to him if I saw her." She told him truthfully. Nicole stood up off the impala, ready to defend herself if she needed to.

"Nicole, it's fine, Jody wouldn't." Dean told her with soft eyes. She looked skeptical, but stepped up to Dean's side anyway.

"Nicole Smith, also known as Rufus's metaphorical daughter." She told Jody as she held her hand out. Jody shook her hand with a smile.

"Jody Mills, nice to meet you. I'm a friend of Bobby's, we go way back. Bobby said it was complicated, which is why he didn't tell me why I had to kidnap a gorgeous girl. I'll make you guys a deal. If you tell me why Bobby wants the girl then I'll pretend to be blind for a bit." She shrugged, smiling lightly. Dean shared a glance with Nicole, and she nodded.

"He's right, it is complicated. Basically, Bobby doesn't want me to be with Nicole because everyone knows my history with women." Dean shrugged. Jody looked down at Nicole next and pointed up at Dean.

"And you're okay with that?"

"Well, everyone knows my history with men, so everything's peachy." She smirked. Jody chuckled and patted Dean's shoulder.

"Well, I'll let you two get back to hiding from Bobby. Stay in town for awhile, kid." Jody told Dean with a smile before she turned back to her car. Nicole watched her leave with her eyes narrowed.

"I don't like her." She growled, making Dean laugh.

"Get in the car, doll face." He told her before he kissed the top of her head.

"Food time?" She asked, her eyes lighting up. Dean nodded, and she hurried over to his impala to climb in.

Beer, Sarcasm, and The Job | Dean Winchester x ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin