Chapter Fourteen

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'Mandatory meeting tonight. Be here at 4.' -Brendan

I walk over to Drew's car, the school day over. He's there talking with Danny. When he sees me, he waves me over.

I walk towards him, putting my phone in my pocket. Drew smiles and plants a light kiss on my lips.

"You guys are seriously too adorable. I feel like I'm watching some cute romantic movie," Danny says, smiling at us.

"You watch romantic movies often?" I ask with a wink.

"Depends on my mood," he shrugs.

Drew punches him in the shoulder. "I always knew you were a sensitive little boy under all that."

"By 'all that,' you mean muscle right?"

"No. I mean flab," Drew rolls his eyes.

After a laugh, entertained by their argument, I remember something.

"Did you guys get Brendan's text?" I ask, parting from Drew to get a look at both of them.

"Yeah," Danny nods.

"Do you guys know what that meeting's all about?" I ask, tiling my head.

"Nope. Probably just some new idea. The magazine comes out in two weeks," Drew suggests.

"Yeah, probably," I nod.

I lean into him, closing my eyes for a moment. I feel like I could fall asleep right now. I'm so tired.

"Well, we have an hour before we've got to be there... I don't want to interrupt your guys' love life, but maybe we could get slushies or something?" Danny suggests.

"No, that sounds great," I reply.


We arrive at the gas station about five minutes later. Together, we head inside. There are flavors lining the wall, all of which look fantastic.

"Any of these looking good?" Drew asks, coming up beside me.

"Oh yeah. All of them," I smile.

"Tough choice you've got, then," Drew winks.

But I end up getting a little of all of them. I take a sip and smile happily.

"That's disgusting," Danny tells me, shaking his head.

"It's fantastic," I take another sip.

"Let me try," Drew takes it from my hand.

"What did you get?" I ask, grabbing his out of his hand as well.

"Raspberry lemonade," Drew says before taking a sip from mine. I drink a little of his, nodding my head in assent. It actually is good.

"Yeah, that's gross." Drew gives mine back.

"You guys are lame," I roll my eyes.

We all head back to the car after paying for our slushies. I get in the back with Drew, Danny in the front to drive.

"I feel abandoned up here," Danny sighs, looking back at us.

"You should," I shrug. "We abandoned you."

We back out of the parking lot and start heading back towards the neighborhoods.

"Do you think Brendan will be mad if we're there early?" Drew asks, turning down the road to Brendan's house.

"No, it's better than late," Danny shrugs.

"Yeah," Drew nods, pulling into the driveway. We pile out of the car and start up towards the house. Drew's got his arm draped over my shoulder to block me from the cold. Danny knocks on the door once we get up the steps.

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