Chapter 5

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Genevieve's POV

We got changed and I decided to wear some normal jeans and a nice long sleeved shirt. We walk down the stairs hand in hand, and head towards the dining room. When I walk inside, I see two people. A male and a female, both a little older, the male looks like a serious business man, and the woman looked like a nice and sweet woman. I smiled, and walked over with James to the table.

"Mother, Father. This is my mate, Genevieve. Genevieve, these are my parents," His mother stood up and walked over to me, "It is so good to meet you dear, call me Marline. And this is my husband, Ross," James father nodded at me, we walked back to the table and sat down in the chairs. "So Genevieve, tell us about yourself," Marline said to me. I shrugged my shoulders, "What would you like to know about me?" I smiled, she took a deep breath and put on a serious face. "Do you know about us?" she raised an eyebrow and looked into my eyes. "Yes ma'am, I had this talk with James about an hour ago," I laughed. She nodded and put on her happy face,


Marline: "What are some of your hobbies?" I took a deep breath and replied,

Genevieve: "I love to read and write, I love being outdoors, and babysitting,"

Marline: "Oh, you love kids?"

Genevieve: "Yes, I love children," I said with a smile

Marline: "Good because I want a lot of grand-kids," I turned away and blushed. "So what do your parents do?"

Genevieve: "My parents are dead," I said plainly.

Marline: "I am so sorry, I didn't know"

Genevieve: "No your fine, they died in a car crash,"

Then a few younger girls brought out some plates filled with steak and potatoes with a side of rolls. We began to eat our food in silence, until we heard the front door open then close. "Sugar lips, where are you?" I looked at James' parents, they had worried looks on their faces as they looked over at James. I followed their glances and looked at James, his face read annoyed and scared at the same time. I had to find out what was going on, so I stood up and sped walked to the door. I heard footsteps behind me, I thought it would be James but I didn't care. I walked out of the dining room with James right behind me, and looked at who just walked in, it was a tall blond with a bob haircut. She had on way too much makeup and she was wearing only a little bit of clothing. My mouth dropped open but before I could say anything, she looked at me and rolled her eyes. "Make yourself a useful servant and go get my bags, now" I didn't move, she scoffed and walked closer to me. "How dare you defy your future luna, go get my freaking bags or I'll have my mate punish you," I couldn't help it anymore. I started laughing, she gave me a confused look.

"Listen to me, hooker. I don't know who the hell you think you are, but I am not a servant here. Even if I was, I do not appreciate that you talk to me or anyone that way. There is a such thing called manners that you might need to learn. And by the way, I know that you are not Alpha's mate nor are you going to be future luna," She gave me a disgusted look, then turned to James. "James, tell this tramp that I am your mate," she looked excited to see me get in trouble, but her smile faded as soon as James wrapped his arms around my waist. I leaned into him and looked up to his face, he looked serious, just like his father. "Olivia, yes we did have a relationship. But I found my real mate, Genevieve. I am sorry but you and I are not a thing anymore, I love Genevieve, not you,"

She looked as if she was about to cry, then she smiled. "So you didn't say that you loved me when we first had sex?" she said, with a "innocent" tone. I felt like I just got kicked in the stomach, but I didn't show my weakness. I pushed out of James arms and walked up to her, "You may have met him and had him first, but he is mine now and I am never letting him go," I stood my ground, she bit her lip and looked at James. "That's fine, but I know that you will come running back to me when this weak human dies from trying to birth your pups," then turns to me, "And you will never be as good as me," I smiled. "Your right, I won't be as good as you. But I will be the best that I can be. Just because you may be prettier, stronger, and faster, but the moon goddess chose me to be with James for a reason. That is why I know I'll make a good luna," I said. She gave me a look of hatred, then pushed past me and ran up the stairs. I turned to James, he smiled at me and walked up to me. At first I thought he was a little pissed off but then he grabbed my face and kissed me with so much love and passion.

"Have I ever told you how much I love you?" he asked, I bit my lip and shook my head. "Nope" I said to him, he smiled and pecked my lips. "Well Genevieve, I love more than I could myself," I smiled at him and laughed, "I love you too James. More than life itself," He laughed and spun me around in a circle. As soon as he sat me down on my feet, his smile faded and he looked at the front door. I followed his gaze but I didn't see anything wrong, James grabbed my arm and dragged me down the hallways that lead me to our room. He pulled me inside and shut the door behind him, then locked the door and looked at me.

"Genevieve, I need you to stay here. I have to go, I'll tell you everything as soon as I get back," he said, then opened the door back up and left me. As soon as the door was closed, he locked it. I ran to the window and looked outside, there were a bunch of brownish werewolves, they had scars all over their bodies and their fur was knotted. I shivered at the feeling that they gave me, the ugly wolves charged towards the mansion and started attacking the wolf soldiers that were coming from the front doors. I watched as the pack wolves were getting torn apart and dying in front of my eyes, and I couldn't help them. I looked in the back of the rogues pack to see a taller rogue, he stopped and looked up at my window, at me. I gasped and watched as he howled, and started running towards the castle. He reached the front doors and ran inside, I knew that he was coming for me.

I ran and stood with my back facing the window, I looked around the room for a weapon but I only found some pens. I stood by the window and waited for the rogue to come, I heard footsteps creep closer to my door. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, just as the door was busted down. I opened my eyes and looked to see the rogue, looking at me. I held the pen up and made an angry face, the wolf bowed its head and looked into my eyes. I felt the need to comfort him, he seemed so hurt. I lowered my arm and walked slowly towards him, he laid down on his stomach and rubbed his snout against my legs. I sat down beside him and stroked his fur.

"Who are you?" I asked him, he stood up and walked over to the bathroom door, scratching at the handle. I walked over and opened the door, and then walked over to James wardrobe, grabbing out a pair of pants, a shirt, and some underwear for him. I knocked on the door and opened it a crack, sticking the clothes inside and shutting the door quickly. I walked over to the bed and sat on it, waiting for this mystery man to show himself. The door slowly opened and out came a younger man, but a few years older than me. I stood up and walked over to the window, facing towards him.

Genevieve: "Who are you, and what do you want?"

Xander: "I am Xander Knightly, I am the Rogue king. And I have come for you my love,"

Genevieve: "But I am already mated to my mate, I do not belong to you,"

Xander: "My mate died at the hands of your mate, it is only fair if I take his. But I need your help to create heirs,"

Genevieve: "Please, we can find you another suitable female. But killing innocent people isn't the answer,"

Xander: "Your right, so I'll kill James instead," he snapped his fingers and in came two people holding my mate, James.

Genevieve: "No, please don't kill him. Please," I begged. He smiled and walked over to James

Xander: "If I kill him, I get his pack and you. But if you go willingly with me and promise to never escape, then I will spare his life and the rest of the packs. It is your choice, Genevieve,"

I took a deep breath, and looked at James. He was crying, and shaking his head.

Genevieve: "I am sorry James, but I can't let you die. I'll go with you Xander,"

I walked over and kissed James on the lips, then stood up and walked out the door with Xander. I held my head high and walked to the edge of the woods with him, Xander shifted into his wolf form and I got onto his back. I looked behind me to see James on his knees with his hands in his hair, the last thing I heard before Xander took off was James sweet voice. "I love you Genevieve, and I will get you back," I closed my eyes and started to cry.

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