Just tired.

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(I was holding off for a bit because I had to do some art competition judging. Sorry for the wait haha. Also, I am trying to practice with using a tablet, quite weird when all of my work has been done by mouse as of late ._. I will be sure to try and do a Nightmare drawing to replace this cover that I probably made in 20 minutes maximum. Anyway, Enjoy this next chapter!)

---(Y/n)'s Pov---

Red vanished yesterday, he never came home... Papyrus has been sitting on the couch, waiting anxiously to yell at him. I started blaming myself for his disappearance, but the taller skeleton brother told me to stop apologizing because it apparently wasn't my fault. "If Sans can't beat some monster, then he can just die out there."

*But... Sans is family!* I tried to argue this, even though I didn't feel a powerful connection to him. Red was actually more like a favored pet dog than a parental figure to me. I mean, I wasn't adopted by him, I was just sold to him instead. That was something that I could never forgive Ink for... I already placed a low form of value on myself, he didn't need to suddenly treat me like merchandise. 

I started to slip on a black hoodie with black ripped jeans as I moved to leave my room. Why were the clothes here so edgy? These monsters didn't seem to appreciate other styles. Pink would get you bullied, yellow could turn you into a target and white only served as camouflage in the snow.

And god forbid I don't wear the standard colors, I'd stand out too much.

Before I could manage to exit the room, I found myself collapsing straight to the floor. I guess being tired was starting to get to me... but I wasn't allowed to nap for another three hours. I was about to hit the solid wood, but upon falling... I didn't feel like I hit the floor too hard? Actually, I think that I was almost placed down instead.

While looking down from my sitting position, I noticed that my shadow seemed distorted. The edges of it didn't seem very natural, and appeared to be slightly out of place. Now why did I spend so much time questioning that? Well, before I met Nightmare, I spent a lot of time drawing in my sketchbook. I knew my highlights and lowlights fairly well.

Reaching out a hand towards the floor where I could see the outline of the shadow get larger, I found myself pressing my fingers against the darkened shape. I wasn't expecting a feeling of warmth to wash over my skin once I made contact with it... Like a sense of comforting. Once I touched the strange silhouette, I almost managed to fall unconscious.

The only thing t hat managed to keep me awake was the medication that I was on and the banging at my door. "Hey, (Y/n)! Are you decent?"

That was Ink's voice... he was here earlier than usual. Slowly the warmth started to vanish from the disformed shadow below me. I couldn't quite place my sadness once the sense of unusual comfort left me, but I decided to brush it off once my door opened to reveal the colorful skeleton. "Huh? What are you doing on the floor?"

"(Y/NNNNN)!!!!!!" From behind the artistic skeleton came Blue. He charged inside with a bubbling excitement before quickly jumping at me to wrap his arms around my neck. The wind was knocked out of me as my back hit the floor. Sitting on top of my stomach was a grinning skeleton from Underswap, stars in his eyes from seeing me. "I HAVEN'T SEEN YOU IN AWHILE! HOW ARE YOU DOING?!"

I gave him a thumbs up while in my dazed state of mind. That skeleton's excitement would one day kill me.

"Uh, Blue. I think that you broke her." Ink carefully said as the energetic Blueberry looked down at me.

"WHAT?! HOW DO I FIX HER?!!" He screamed in response.

"Well, you can start by getting off of her... then maybe try helping her up?" By now Ink's arms were crossed over his chest in amusement. Blue seemed to think about what he said before finally deciding to get off of me and offer an outstretched hand in my direction. A blue blush covered his face as he coughed awkwardly. 

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