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I walked home, having stayed a bit later at the lab. It was dark, and there was a sharp chill in the air- winter was approaching hard and fast. Third year was proving to be the most stressful yet, and we hadn't even finished the first term. Turns out that final year projects and dissertations were the very definition of stress itself.

I had my wireless headphones on over my ears, and scrolled through my phone as I walked, the cars whizzing by. Nothing out of the ordinary, really, until my phone was snatched out of my hands.

My head snapped up, only to see a guy on a moped speeding away, my phone in his hand. He didn't have a helmet on, but he did have one of those balaclavas on to hide his face. He also started laughing.

"Hey!" I yelled, although he wouldn't have heard. "Fuck." I muttered- for a moment, I was just shocked and stood there staring like a lemon. Had this guy just nicked my phone? It seemed that way. 

Had he stolen from the wrong girl? Absolutely.

His black moped was speeding away, but it didn't take much concentration to tap into the metal framework of it. I couldn't do anything too drastic- there were people about. What I wanted to do was conjure the ice and blast him off his moped, perhaps before summoning a lightning storm and electrocuting him, and then crushing his bike. Or maybe setting it on fire. Maybe both. However, for now it seemed I'd have to be subtle for the sake of not being spotted.

I wrapped a mental hand around the bike- by this point, he was probably about fifty metres from where I was standing, but he started to slow the moment I pulled the bike back towards me.

His tyres screeched, and started to create a cloud of smoke as they skidded against the tarmac of the road. This guy was clearly trying to put his foot down harder, but then he stopped. I guess he was pretty confused about what was happening.

I mean, I would be.

The bike continued to roll towards me, backwards, before coming to a halt right next to where the dude had stolen my phone in the first place.

He looked at me, his eyes wide.

I held my hand out. "I'd like my phone back, please."

He continued to stare, and I realised why- I was pretty certain my eyes were glowing silver. But he still had the phone, and so I reached over and plucked it out of his hand easily.

"Thank you." I said, before releasing my hold of the bike. Then, just for my own amusement, I projected a short burst of air energy at the bike and watched it fall over with the man still on it.

I walked back home, a smile on my face.


"Wassup Mills." Jake said, coming into the kitchen as I put my ready meal in the microwave. Jake was one of my housemates, and knew all about my Argent life- he found out about it when he started getting nosy about my secret nightlife, and followed me to meet Ronan, my assigned Dreamwalker. Of course, he saw way more than he should have, and I ended up telling him.

"Somebody just tried to steal my phone." I said casually.

"Wait, what?" Jake asked, clearly not expecting me to say that.

I nodded. "Yeah. A dude on a moped."

"And by tried, you mean he was unsuccessful?" Jake asked, amused.

"Well, of course." I said, holding my phone up. "He didn't get very far."

"What did you do?"

I smiled, and shrugged. "I pulled his moped back towards me, and took my phone."

Jake just stared. "Was that it?"

"Well, there may have also been an unusually strong gust of wind that knocked his bike over with him still on it." I said innocently.

Jake laughed. "Did anyone see what happened?" He asked.

I shook my head. "I don't think so." I then thought about it. "If they did, they clearly didn't want to get involved. Or just ignored it."

Jake just continued laughing. "Out of everyone they could have stolen from, it had to be you, didn't it?"

I grinned. "Well, I'd rather it was me than some other girl who wouldn't be able to get her phone back."

"True." Jake said.

"Besides, it was a bit of fun." I said.

He laughed again. "Madness." He said. "Enjoy your meal."

I smiled. "Thanks."


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