Chapter thirty five

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A/n: Enjoy, loves 🖤

Remus, Janus, and Virgil walked to Patton's house together, hand in hand, smiling and flirting with each other, getting glares from passing couples who shielded their children's eyes from them.

One woman scoffed and said, "useless gays, what's the point? You cant even make children"

"We adopt the children you straggots abandon" Remus snorted, pulling his boyfriends away from her, just as they got to Patton's house.

Remus knocked like a deranged psychopath while screaming something about the sky falling.

Patton opened the door after Virgil sighed and rang the doorbell.

"Hi guys!" Patton exclaimed, smiling cheerfully.

Virgil took the earbuds he was sharing with Janus out, pausing Demons by STARSET.

"Um, how dare you?" Janus asked in offense, "the best part was on!"

Virgil smirked, "whoopsie" he said.

Janus pouted, Virgil patted his head.

Suddenly Patton shrieked as loud as he could, and screamed, "CREEPY CRAWLY DEATH DEALER!!!!!! LOGIE, LOGIE BEAR, KILL IT! WAIT NO DON'T KILL IT MAKE IT GO AWAY!" Patton was close to sobbing, staring at the terrifying creature.

Remus panicked, ran over to the spider picked it up, and ate it.

"Eww, I kiss that mouth!" Janus exclaimed with a face of horror.

"I think I have a spider leg stuck in my teeth" Remus said with a sheepish smile.

"Oh my god, I can't believe i'm related to you" Roman said, staring at Remus in disgust.

Patton sniffled, his face in Logan's chest, "i-is it g-g-go-one?" He asked shakily.

"Yes dearest, it is gone" Logan said, running his fingers through Patton's hair, pulling him closer.

"This is so cute!" Rose squealed, taking pictures, "Jack! Get in here! We need this for the family album!" She yelled.

Jack chuckled, grabbing his camera, snapping a few shots.

"Why are you taking so many pictures?" Emile chuckled.

"Because, out of three hundred pictures, only like two will actually be good, that's how photos work" Rose said, filling her camera roll up, "I have to find the cutest ones and print them out, bye bye!" She ran away cackling maniacally.

"MOM!" Patton screamed in embarrassment, sniffling again and wiping his eyes.

"Why's Patton so scared of Spiders?" Remy asked in confusion.

"He almost died from an allergic reaction to a super venomous spider" Emile explained.

"Oh, that's why he started sobbing his eyes out and stood on my table when he saw a black widow in the corner of my room" Roman said.

"Don't expose him or anything, Roman" Virgil said with an eye roll.

"How dare you accuse me of such nonsense!" Roman scoffed.

"Be nice" Patton said dangerously low.

"This is how I show my love" Roman muttered.

"What was that?" Remus asked.

"I said I aM A GOD ABOVE ALL OF YOU!" he screeched.

"We know by now Roman" Janus said with an eye roll.

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