Scene 8 "Shuttle" - HSC Battlecruiser Series Book 2 - "Planet 2110"

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Start Scene

The shuttle is hovering up in the air. The Captain races to the front of the shuttle to the pilots' chair. As he ponders his thought of trying something that hasn't been tried before. He sees Cadet Smith sitting there watching the screens and dashboard for any unfamiliar readings. He heads towards the co-pilot seat next to her.

Cadet Smith: Welcome back Captain. What is the plan?
Captain: Okay so we are going to try something that hasn't been done before. I want you to maintain the position we are at right now. Do not accelerate or maneuver the shuttle. Arian is going to teleport us directly into the temple underground.
Cadet Smith: Say what?!
Sr. Officer Bird: That's what Baker said.
Captain: I know it may sound crazy, but I feel this plan could work. You will just have to trust me. All we need is for the vessel to be in a suspended position so that when Arian takes us there we won't be flying into a rock or a person.
Cadet Smith: Okay, this is officially a crazy idea, if I may speak freely Captain.
Captain: You can't. Okay everyone, buckle up this is going to be a bumpy ride. I think, otherwise, I want all of you to be ready to get out of this shuttle and rescuer Arian's people. Cadet Smith keeps the shields up just in case some Regits are in there and they try and shoot the shuttle. Arian come up here.

Arian headed towards the front of the shuttle. Everyone was staring at her as she made her way. The Captain motioned for her to stand in between the two pilot chairs.

Arian: I'm ready when you are Captain
Captain: Okay, Cadet you ready?
Cadet Smith: Whenever you are Captain.
Captain: Okay, Arian. Punch it!

Arian closed her eyes and placed her hands on the back of the pilot chairs. She focuses her mind on the temple under the surface of the planet. The crew watched as this yellow glow started to encompass her body. The yellow light started to get so bright. It begins to surround the shuttle and crew. Then as quickly as the light showed up, they vanished from the sky. The rest of the crew watched from the ground as it disappeared from the sky. The Captain couldn't see anything from the bright light. Then the light faded out and they could barely see outside the window. It took a quick moment for there eyes to adjust. Then the Captain looked outside the window and saw the inside of what looked like a huge temple but in a cave. He looked around and couldn't see any Regits. He hoped that his plan worked and that he would be able to slip in and out undetected. The Captain looked up at Arian and she is still coming out of a daze.

Captain: Arian, you okay?
Arian: (Weak) Yes, just give me a minute to catch my breath. Okay, Cadets lets get ready. Cadet Smith can you lower this to the ground.
Cadet Smith: Yes, sir.

Cadet Smith lowered the shuttle to the cave bed. The shuttle is still powered up. The back door opens up and the Cadets head outside the shuttle. Arian is able to walk and heads with the Captain.

Captain: Cadet I want you to stay with the pilot and watch out for any Regits if you see them radio for us and we'll be back.
Cadet: Yes, Sir!
Captain: Okay, Arian lead the way.
Arian: Follow me, Captain.

The crew followed Arian down this hallway cut out made in the Cave. As they ran past the little candles placed in small slots in the hallway. The light from the shuttle started to fade in the distance. The crew's eyes started to adjust to the darkness. The help of the little candles allowed them to see. They finally made it to the end of the hallway. The Captain had Arian stop right at the opening.

HSC Battlecruiser Series Book 2 "Planet 2110"Where stories live. Discover now