Chapter nine: Gideon

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''So?'' Lily, Emma and Regina stood around Mother Superior as she looked at what happened in the room they were standing in.  

''It was the Dark One with the Evil Queen. They're together.'' Lillian sighed as Emma spoke up. 

''I used magic like that when I was the Dark One to speed up Zelena's pregnancy.''

''This is about me!'' their heads turned to Belle, who was standing in the doorway. ''Rumple's going to do the same thing so that he can use the Shears of Destiny to cut our son's ties to his fate. And then, when that happens, he can take him from me, he can corrupt him, or even worse.''

''If that truly is his plan, then why would he announce it to us?'' Killian questioned, Lily scoffing at him as she leaned against the wall, rubbing her hand over her forehead. 

''Because he wants us to know what he's doing. He's trying to scare Belle so that she'll go back to him -- .'' 

''which I won't do.'' Belle interrupted her, looking at the teenager. ''I can't do. There has to be a way to stop him.''

--------Once upon a time--------

Lilith was walking through the castle of Snow and David as she came to a sudden stop, hearing a familiar voice coming from the hallway. She leaned her ear against the wall, listening to David trying to get someone out of his castle. When she heard a struggle, she came into sight, holding up her hand to stop the other man's motions. 

''What are you doing here?''

--------Once upon a time--------

''So, in my dream, my son said that the answer to stopping Rumple was right in front of me. Didn't say where.''

''And this is the book you were reading?''


''Yeah, I don't think a spell for the removal of hair is going to help us.''

''It's not the spell that's gonna do it, Swan. It's the book itself. Or, rather, the ink it's written in.'' He smirked as Lillian took the book from him, nodding at it as she smiled at her cousin. ''I'd be a poor excuse for a pirate if I didn't recognize squid ink when I saw it.''

''Squid ink?'' Emma questioned as Lillian looked towards her.

''It can stun Rumple.''

''Aye. And while he's held, we can take the shears from him.'' Hook replied, putting his hand on Lillian's shoulder. 

''Okay, I can use my magic to extract the squid ink. The question is how do we dose him?''

''I can do it.'' Their heads turned to Belle. ''He's doing all of this because he thinks it'll force me back to him, and if that's what he wants, then that's what I'm gonna make him think I'm doing.''

''Sorry, Belle, but no.'' Emma told her, but Belle glaring at her made Lillian speak up. 

''It just gives Gold an opportunity to use his magic to speed up your pregnancy.'' She reasoned with Belle. She knew her father, and if he wanted something, sure as hell that he was going to get it, whenever he hurt people in the process or not. 

''She's right, love. Your dream got us this far. You just have to leave the rest to us.''

Lillian couldn't bring herself to go with Emma and Killian. What Rumple was doing was wrong, but she couldn't turn her back on him like that. Not after all he had done for her and what they'd been through. She simply couldn't betray him like that. 

Herself, Peter and Baelfire decided to make themselves useful, with Rumple planning on something, all three of them knew it couldn't be anything good. Lillian was tying her gloves around her hands as she got herself ready for anything coming their way.  

And luckily she did, as she got a phone call not long after. She answered the phone, gasping as she let her phone fall onto the ground, the sheer look of terror taking over her features as she looked at Peter and Baelfire. 

''Rumple ... he succeeded.'' 

''We'll keep watch, you stay with Belle alright?'' Lillian gave a nod, Peter kissing her forehead before leaving the room alongside Baelfire, Emma, Lily and another fairy helping Belle deliver her baby. 

Belle looked at Blue, Emma and the Neverland characters as she held her baby son. Lillian taking a seat next to her as she allowed the baby to play with her finger, smiling at the new mother with pride. 

''Oh, congratulations.''

''Thank you, Blue.''

''They said you wanted to see me.'' She asked confused as Belle gave a nod, looking at her son before looking at Lily and Baelfire, taking a deep breath before speaking again. 

''Yeah. Yeah, I need your help. -- Will you be his fairy godmother? And will you take him somewhere safe, somewhere far away from all this?''

''Belle, what are you doing?'' Emma asked, taking a few steps towards the bed along with Killian, Baelfire and Peter. 

''Rumple will never stop. This is our son's only chance. Please take him, just until this is all over.''

''But you don't know when or if that will come to pass.''

''I believe it will. I have to believe it will. Yeah.'' Her voice broke as she looked at Blue again. ''Take him.''

''Of course.'' Belle Sniffled loudly as she thanked blue, turning over to Killian as she passed the new born to Blue's arms. 

''There's, uh there's one more thing. Killian.'' She took the book from his hands, smiling at him as she turned back to Blue, holding the book up. ''Read it to him so that he knows that I'm always there for him. My Gideon strong and brave a hero for all time. Don't you ever forget that I love you.''

Lillian and Baelfire stood next to each other as their father walked in, Bae pushing his arm over his sisters shoulders and both of them glaring at him as he walked to the window, only catching a small glimpse of his son being taken by Blue.   

''No. You abandoned our son? After everything?''

''I didn't abandon him! I gave him his best chance at a good life. And after what you did, that is clearly a life without you in it.''


''Rumple, no! It's over. Okay? It's over! There's nothing left for you to say.''

''What's his name?'' When Belle scoffed, he became desperate, both Lily and Baelfire having to bite their tongues. ''What's our son's name?''

''Why? So you can use it to find him? You can do what you will with me, but I will never tell you.''

''I would never hurt you, Belle. Never.'' His eyes hardened again as he looked at her, before looking over to his two children, who were both clearly having a rough time. ''But I will find our son.''

Baelfire and Lillian took a walk in the park after everything that had happened, they felt bad for their father, but neither of them wanted something to happen to their baby brother. They were walking side by side, not saying a single word as both of them were deep in thoughts. 

Lillian stopped walking as Baelfire turned to her, both of them having tears in their eyes. He gave her a sad smile as he pulled her into a hug. Softly brushing his hand through her hair as they enjoyed each others comfort. Knowing how much it hurt to feel like Rumple was never going to be a slightly better person. 

Thank you for reading this chapter, please leave a vote, comment and add this story to your reading list if you enjoyed this. I hope to see you all again next week! 

-X Violet's-library

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