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»»————- ☁️ ————-««

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»»————- ☁️ ————-««

after the graduation ceremony, both the lilac eyed boys family and the brown haired girls family thanked [y/n] for her kind words about their children with uncontrollable tears swimming in their eyes.

she said goodbyes to the faculty, promising to visit them, but aizawa pulled her aside to a private corner.

"what you did said a lot to everyone, [y/n]," he thanked, "i could see it in their eyes."

"you're going to make a fine hero," he smiled, eyes crinkling at the corners, "i'm one hundred percent sure of that. have faith in your abilities, and trust your 'dynamic duo partner' because he wont let anything happen to you..."

"...and if he does," he added with another smile, this time more devious, "i'll make sure he can't ever even light a match."

"thank you, aizawa," she laughed, giving him a hug, "it won't be that easy to get rid of them though. expect visits and teasing you in front of your mew class!"

he sighed, the smile still visible on his face, "i'd never doubt that for a second."

"[y/n]!! a voice called, and she pulled away and turned to see mina waving her down while halfway out denki's car window. "c'mon and get changed! that party's about to start!"

"oh boy," she sighed, and aizawa chuckled.

"good luck with that."


"[y/n].." a soft voice whispered, shaking her shoulder.


"it's time to go."

opening her eyes, the time read five am.

she yawned, stretching, before finally brushing her hair and teeth and putting on the only outfit she didn't have packed up.

she joined shoto in the car, her mind still sleepy, which made him chuckle.

"still tired from the party?" he asked, a playful smile on his lips.

she nodded.

"sleep then. i'll let you know when we reach the apartment."

and so they drove, the sun rise casting a soft glow through the car as they set out to live their best life.

neither of them could be happier.

☁️ END ☁️

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