Chapter 30: The Naming Ceremony

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The babies are now a few days old and we decided to throw a party to reveal their names to everyone. I am in a yellow floral sundress and white sandal heels, I have my hair up in a messy bun with light makeup. After I change their diapers, I put the babies in matching outfits, they are both so adorable.

 After I change their diapers, I put the babies in matching outfits, they are both so adorable

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Shawn is in black jeans and a white button up shirt, the first two buttons undone, with his hair curly, messy and I find it sexy

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Shawn is in black jeans and a white button up shirt, the first two buttons undone, with his hair curly, messy and I find it sexy. The party is starting and the guests are starting to arrive. We invited everyone, they arrived baring many gifts for the babies.

The decorations were adorable, Grace and Camila did a great job.

I was out in the backyard watching the babies sleep in their bassinets. I wipe the dribble that comes down from their mouth, I had to take a picture. Camila comes up and she wraps an arm around my shoulder.

"So I see you got your figure back. Lucky you." I laugh at what she says.

"I'm kind of happy I don't have that annoying big ass belly of mine anymore. By the way I am never letting Shawn live this down." We both giggle.

"I am impressed by you girl. I can't believe you gave birth to these two at home, with absolutely no pain killers. I can never do that."

"I can't believe I did that either. What about you? Do you want kids Cami?"

"I don't know. I never thought of myself as mother material. Maybe it's best that Shawn and I didn't work out." Wow, admitting to it, she has definitely moved on.

"I'm glad to hear that, oh I can't stop staring at these darlings."

"They are very adorable, they both look a lot like you."

"I don't think so, I think they look like Shawn." Karen comes and joins us. "Hey Karen you want to see your grandchildren." She nods and looks into the bassinet at them.

"I can't believe I have grandchildren. They are absolutely gorgeous."

"I can't believe I'm a mother at 18 years old. I never thought I would have a family after I lost my parents." I feel emotional and start to cry. Karen pulls me into a hug, Cami joins our group hug.


A few hours have passed and all the guests are here, wanting to see the babies. Shawn and I are talking to Andrew about how the business is coming along.

"So Andrew the business seems to be making good fortunes."

"Yeah we recently started talking to some exporters in Europe. Apparently, a violin made by Labonaire Industries is worth some money. Clara I've been meaning to ask, why do you not want the business?" I did think I would inherit the business at one point, but I thought about it and I am not a very good business entrepreneur.

"Because I know it's in better hands with you. Do you think my parents would have given you the business if they thought you didn't deserve it?" Andrew is the better person for the job.

"What are you going to do become a stay at home mom?"

"I think I'm gonna go into music I've been writing some songs. I think they could go somewhere." I love music even more than before, I want my children to have music in their lives forever.

"I think you should do that." Shawn has always been supportive of me when it came to music.

"Maybe I will. But for now, we have baby names to announce." Shawn and I head up to the front holding our children in my arms. Once we have everyone's attention Shawn starts to speak.

"Thank you all for coming. A year ago I never thought I could find love, until I knocked this angel over in the gym and I couldn't be happier, that is until a few days ago, when my beautiful wife Clara, gave birth to our new son and daughter. We welcome them with open arms into our pack and our family. We had no problems naming them. We wanted to name them after people who meant so much to us. If it hadn't been for them I may have never found my mate. After we announce their names we will announce the godparents as well. These people were in our lives and have supported us from the beginning. Welcoming our children is the start of a new adventure, one I am more than ready for." I kiss Shawn's cheek letting him take our son from my arms. My turn to speak.

"Friends and family it is with great pride that we introduce you to our children, Colton Manuel Mendes and Carlotta Alexandria Mendes." Everyone erupted in applause for our children. Once the applauds died down I spoke again. "We also want to name the Godparents, these people have shown us that they care deeply. These people have been with us through it all and have been true friends to us. They have shown maturity but sympathy and a soft heart, one that I have come to realize a parent needs. So with that we name the godparents of our son, Grace Bordeux and Michael "Sticky" Harper and the godparents of our daughter Cameron Dallas and Camila Cabello." They all applauded Grace, Sticky, Cameron and Camila came over to hug us.

"Thank you. I am truly honored." Camila hugged me and kissed Sebastian's head, him cooing to her.

"Camila you've shown me you can change and that proves to me you can be a great godparent to my baby." I give Carlotta to Camila, she was a little hesitant to hold her but I assured her it was alright. The minute she looked into my daughter's eyes I could see tears in her eyes. I look over and I see Grace holding Colton.

Shawn came over to me and wrapped an arm around my waist.

"Are you happy my love?" He kisses my temple.

"I am happier than I've ever been. This was a great idea. I just have one question to ask, when are we going to have more?" He sends me a smirk and I shoot him an 'are you serious' look Camila snickers still holding Carla. I do want more kids but I think right now we are going to have our hands full with these two.

"Let's talk about that later big boy."

"Very well, but I want more nights like the ones we've had recently." He whispers moving his eyebrows up and down, I gasp and smack his chest. Carlotta and Colton start to cry so Grace and Camila hand them back to me.

"I think my babies are tired. I'll go upstairs and put them down for a nap." I walk into the house and up the stairs to their nursery. We painted one side of the nursery a beautiful pink and the other side sweet blue. Both sides have musical notes on the wall, photos and fairy lights lining the walls, cribs near the window for some natural light but not too much.

I sat in the rocking chair with them both, rocking back and forth to calm them. I fed and changed them already so they needed to sleep. I started to sing softly to them, just words that came to my head. I stood up slowly rocking by body a little to keep them calm. I set them in their cribs and their eyes drifted shut. I covered them and kissed their heads still singing softly, till I got to the door turning out the light and closing the door slowly behind me. Shawn is leaning by the staircase watching the whole thing. He comes over to me wrapping his arm around my waist.

"You really do have the voice of an angel."

"I think maybe I should start writing more songs."

"I think you should to."

"Shawn I've been thinking, I definitely want more kids, but not now. Right now we should give them all our attention I say after their second birthdays we can try for more. How's that sound to you?" His soft lips on mine are like heaven.

"I love the idea, as long as we still have more kids, can never have too many siblings." He was right you can't, we left it at that and went down stairs back to the party completely content with where things are now.

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