Chapter 13 : A Night With The Sun

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are y'all multifandoms? coz i stan so many groups, artists and more. but ofc BTS is my ult (≧ω≦)/


After a few days, the situation got out of hands, and my ankle got swollen. It scares the hell out of me to see that it became really purple-bluey.

Since I can't press the gas and make my way towards the hospital or even apply for a license, I asked Jungkook for a favor if he will allow me to go out for a while in the afternoon.

I wanted to hide the current situation from him, but he really is a persistent guy. He immediately called one of his friends, and in a matter of minutes, Jung Hoseok is already here.

"Hey. I drove here as soon as possible, so what's happening?" It was Jungkook who opened the door for him.  Hoseok smiled at him and a second after that, his gaze shifts upon me and I can see confusion brewing inside his head.

"My friend Deonne needs help, you know him right?" Jungkook said in a worried voice.

"Yeah, I know him... We know him." There was hesitation in Hoseok's voice. "Why is he here though?" He whispered...sorta.

"Long story short, my dad in San Francisco, Deonne here because dad thinks I still need a guardian," Jungkook stated briefly.

"But why is your dad in San Francisco?" Hoseok asked he is obviously the curious one.

"His mom died." A minute of silence was allotted after Jungkook's answer.

I don't know about Jungkook, but I can see the deadly rage in Hoseok's reaction. What's the matter?

"Anyways, I think you two should be going now." Jungkook finally breaks the silence and then both of the guys' eyes were on me.

"Hey Deonne, you ready?" Hoseok enters the living room with a bright smile on his face as if he wasn't giving an expression of a real grim reaper earlier.

"Yep, hang on." I tried not to fall as I stand, but I failed and both guys came to my rescue. "Ouch!"

"Here, let me help you." Jungkook was walking towards me, and as I look at him, I can't help but be mesmerized by his beauty especially now that the light is shining from his back, giving great emphasis to his manly physique.

Everything happened at a slow pace and for a second I thought he is gonna carry me, bridal style.

I thought.

Instead, he lends me both of his hands while Hoseok is supporting at my back. "Do not force yourself, it'll just get worse." Jungkook reminds me and all I did was nod.


"So, how did you and Jungkook's father arrived to that idea?" Hoseok has been bombarding me with non-stop questions ever since we hit the road, and the sudden traffic jam was really unnecessary.

"We've met a few times because of Jungkook, obviously. I happen to wander around their street when I would sometimes take a walk too. It just happened that I was there at the exact moment when someone called Jungkook's dad on the phone, saying it was an emergency." I answered with full details, hoping to stop another segment of Hoseok's Unending Questions.

Seeing that he was quite satisfied with my answer, I grabbed my chance. "So, what exactly did Jungkook told you that made you come here?" I asked away.

"Secret." He smiled widely and gave me a wink. I smiled awkwardly in return, but I was actually complaining about his answer in my head.

It was so unfair!

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