chapter 10

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Cute ass song right there^^
Kami pov.

I hissed in discomfort. Shinso's friend- Bakugo I think- made me sit on the couch and he sat in front of me on the floor holding my leg. He held it, simply looking it over, before slowly massaging it.

"Tell me when it hurts, k?" he monotoned. He scared me. Not as much as master but he was grouchy. Eijiro stayed there to comfort me, gently rubbing my arm. Shinso perched on the armrest and fiddled with his thumbs.

Bakugo ran his thumb under a spot in my knee and I drew my whole leg back and my eyes started tearing up.

"Right there. That hurts"I whimpered out. He nodded and started talking in big scientific terms that flew over my head. Something about a ligament being pulled or something. like I said, flew straight over my head.

Shinso and him started talking about me going to the doctor to get it figured out. Kiri tried to comfort me but it wasn't much use. Eventually Kirishima and Bakugo left and Shinso helped me to the kitchen counter.

"Ok. Because of the part of you knee that is injured, we need to get you to a doctor pretty quick. We both know that means getting in touch with your family. I know you don't want to but it is the only. I talked to Katsuki and he said that the hospital could run blood tests and get in touch with you parents without us having to talk to them, but I think that it could be beneficial for you to at least be there when they call (I don't know if this is how it actually works but I don't give a fuck). I'm going to call the hospital tomorrow to see about blood te-"

"No no no no NO. Blood tests mean needles and- and- the- and needles remind me of them and I can't-its just- I ca- I can't do it. I'm sorry," I cried, to worried about that to even register that I had interrupted and he might be mad. My breathing quickened simply thinking about it. Just the thought of what they did terrifies me.

"Denki- Den- DENKI! I need you to calm down before you have a panic attack. Remember where you are and who I am. I understand that needles remind you of that place, but it is the only way. Now, are you hungry? It's noon and I'm Hungry, so I was gonna make something." My chest rose slower and I reminded myself of where I sat. My stomach rumbled when he mentioned food

"Um- thank you. I am hungry."

"Ok. what do you want? I have leftover curry, some quick soba, instant noodles, udon. What sounds good?"

"Ummmm u- udon sounds good of that's ok?"

"Yeah. I'll warm some for us. Also, I like what you did with that shirt."

"Oh- OH! Thank you! Sorry about that. I should have asked first. I really am sorry,"

"No, it's fine. All of the clothes in that room are yours. Just don't purposely destroy them and it's good."

I smiled as he plopped the soup into the pot to heat up. he was really nice.


no denks is not catching feelings this early on. didn't I say this was a slow burn? give it another few chapters. sorry for not posting in forever. my mental heath booked it not to long ago. not to mention my state closing all public schools for the remainder of this school year. see im moving to a different state and I only live near one of my friends so I might not see the rest of them ever again.

-author chan

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