Chapter 15 - Blacky, The Sirius Looking Dog

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"No, that's not right," Vincent stopped punching and kicking. "Roden in his werewolf form could have grabbed me there and broke my leg."

Those actions were repeated time and time again, with Vincent redoing the same strike at some imaginary opponent. Arnya kept writing on a parchment while looking up every so often nearby under a tree.

It's been a little over a month or so, and the ice pillar still stood tall. The teachers did everything they could, but it was extremely hard for them to completely move something that big, not to mention the terrifying cold it emitted, making it hard for anyone to get close without freezing. A poor student that got curious nearly had his arm fall off due to frostbite. It had gotten smaller, it looked it'll take another month or two before it disappears completely.

Bait that wasn't the worse of it for Vincent, during the months potions lessons, Vincent was literally sitting in the corner twiddling his thumbs as he stared longingly at the cauldron. Snape did not allow him to as so much touch one and gave him the evil eye every so often.

During his strikes, Vincent recalled a similar scene in his youth, one of him and a blond haired teen instructing him.




Vincent punched forward while blocking an imaginary attack.


"Know the motions, learn to do every move at will, as easily as you walk."


He then brought his elbow to where the attacker's stomach was in his mind.


"Learn to instantly recognise what the best solution is, whether it's best to kick the opponent, or straight up punch them. Should you block the attack, or dodge it. But to do that, you must have the capacity to utilise those moves."


Vincent practiced kicking for a bit, trying to get his form right, before stopping. He let out a long breath and looked towards the ice pillar.

"Soon, I can start making potions again, yay!" he sighed while Arnya gave him a raised eyebrow. "What? All these ideas keep coming to me, I want to try them all out."

"And that," Hermione walked up to them with Neville following, "is the problem."

Vincent groaned while Arnya waved. He turned around and went back to practicing as Hermione took a seat next to Arnya, pulling out her textbooks.

"So is that a martial art or something?" Hermione asked looking at Vincent.

"It's just a whole bunch of basic moves," Vincent replied stopping to wipe his sweat. "A proper punch, a proper kick, palm strike, elbow strike, all of what I'm doing is to just get familiar with the motions. Something I practiced a lot when I was little, but as I was too small, it it wasn't effective against big people. So I resorted to sneak attacks and such to take down the bigger guys."

"And now that you're bigger..."

Vincent nodded. "I can actually start using those moves properly. Still not as good as him." He said that last part to himself.

"?" Hermione gave him a questioning look.

"Forget it," said Vincent as he moved to sit down. He too a drink before pulling out his homework. "So Neville, what do you need help on?"

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