04| Support

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04. Support


    HER EYES WERE GOING TO GET STUCK — with how often James Potter said something either idiotic or utterly annoying. It was an early Monday morning a few weeks since the event with Lily. Nobody had told James about the fall out between the two witches because of his expected reaction. The two girls were dorm mates and ever since the room holds an awkward tension. So, with the help of Sirius, Angelica and Remus, Eleanor formulated the perfect lie explaining why she was moving into the Marauders dorms. Eleanor was not a good actress. As James so kindly pointed out. Lying is like acting in a weird way. So this was a seemingly hard challenge for her. Eleanor only agreed as she already knows that he would excuse Lily's behaviour and blame Eleanor for it all. It was the tragic reality she had to accept.

      "Sirius, can you wack James for me?" Eleanor asked the friend who was walking between her and James.

      "Of course, Vix." Sirius followed the orders bringing a grin to her face.

      "Wha- Ow! Snuffles!" A confused James let out a string of puppy-sounding whines.

      "How could you betray me like that? I thought what we had was special." His theatrics caused the pair to begin throwing out back-and-forth dramatics.

      "Oi, James..." She caught his attention. "I didn't know you are a puppy. You taking Sirius' job too?" She had a mischievous gleam in her eyes.

       The group of five were already dressed for their Monday classes making them arrive early to the Great Hall for Monday breakfast. They entered the main hall in order. Well, once Angelica and Leia joined them. Angelica and Leia were walking with their arms linked with Eleanor's. Leaving the blonde to be sandwiched in the middle. Sirius, James and Peter filed in behind the girls. While Remus fell a few steps behind. As he and a fourth-year Ravenclaw engaged in a discussion that made them oblivious to their surroundings. Once at their usual place at the table. Lucia Lestrange bid her farewell as she headed in the direction of her house table. There were no rules about seating at breakfast. Causing Angelica to settle beside Sirius.

      "So what do we have today?" Eleanor spoke to no one in particular while she buttered her toast and stuffed it into her mouth actively listening to her friends.

      "You are lucky that we have all of our classes together." It was true, and she knew it. Nodding at Remus' words to show her agreement.

      "Our timetable is; Defense Against the Dark Arts. Muggle Studies... Your absolute favourite." Remus sent the girl a goofy grin turning his head to the side to look at her. It was obvious to Eleanor that his comment was dripping in sarcasm as he knew her hatred for learning about muggle activities and items when she comes to school for magic.

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