Chapter 28

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What could be worse than having freedom ripped away from you the cruelest way? She almost reached the road, they almost stopped, she was at the right place at the right time, but luck just wasn't on her side. How could life be so cruel, how could fate do this to her? How could God let his happen?

Lauren knows she's done horrible things in life, but still she didn't deserve this. Lauren has always been one to keep an eye for wolves in sheep's clothing, but Camila wasn't a wolf to begin with. But there's no denying that the girl on top of her is cruel and evil in it's true form.

Yet her lips were soft against hers and even if she's forcing her lips onto hers she noticed it. Lauren tries to fight it turning her head and trying to move her face, but the hands that held her in place wouldn't let her, but in a blink of an eye they were off of hers. Camila gets off and sits besides Lauren who heaves for air. Her hands go to her hair for a second and it's as if she's composing herself, before a wicked grin plasters on her lips a dark gaze setting on her features as she stands up and dust her hands on her pants. Camila fears she might lose control, she could feel it, dizziness making the ground slightly sway and her vision tunneling.

Camila quickly and violently helps Lauren stand up making Lauren complain as she does so. Her jaw is clenched that was a close one! What would have happened if they had found her? If they suddenly became curious and decided to stop and investigate.

Camilas doubt seemed to increase every time her mind placed her in certain escenario. She's been having nightmares of her being found and ending up locked up. Yet she knows she can't have Lauren inside that cabin for her whole life. She needs to live her life as well and Lauren was surely becoming something that was holding her back.

Camila walks Lauren back to the cabin her mind swirling with thoughts and none of them resembled something nice. She's pushing Lauren here and there so she doesn't stop, it's obvious she has a hurt ankle by the way she's limping, but she didn't want to spend half an hour walking slowly to the cabin.

"I fucking hate you" Lauren finds herself voicing her truth. That snaps Camilas thought. "I never thought I was capable of hating a person, but clearly I was wrong" Lauren continues and Camila's mind just drift to a memory.

In that memory she realized the same thing Lauren did. She was young and didn't deserve what happened to her in that place. She didn't deserve any of it, yet her parents were the ones to send her there. She just remembers her body physically shaking in anger towards that person. Camila can still remember how her jaw felt sore, of how clenched she had it all the time. She still remembers grinding her teeth and the taste of pennies in her mouth.

She can physically feel the hair in her back stand on ends at the memory. Her heart speeds up and she could taste it in her mouth. The taste of blood. So she spits on the dirt trying to rid herself of the taste and pushes Lauren for her to walk quickly. It's a lie, her mind is tricking her and she knows it yet she complies with her feelings and she's almost making Lauren run not caring for her hurt ankle.

Why would she care Lauren has only made sure to get on Camilas bad side even when Camila tries to do nice things for her. What will it take for the girl in front of her to submit fully? What does Camila have to do? She thought that she could have a nice day with Lauren and connect with her, but all she received was a stab in the back and for what? She still ended up here with Camila.

It's seems like hours when in reality is just a few minutes. Lauren's ankle is swollen and at this point she could barely step on it without a painful moan leaving her lips. Lauren is starting to think that she might have broken her foot, she's never broken a bone in her whole life but if this is what it feels like she doesn't want one. It's not like Miss brown eyes over there is going to take her to get medical attention, she probably would saw Lauren's leg off, the thought of it makes Lauren's hair stand in fear.

Would she use anesthesia? No. Brown eyes would never use anesthesia she'd saw Lauren's leg and smile proudly and satisfied with herself hearing Lauren's agonizing screams. Then she'll probably bleed out, she can imagine it vividly in her head.

The cold sharp metal against her leg, the sharp pain that makes her body vibrate in agony, blood will surface quickly and steadily until it starts spraying and Camila will have to use her strength to continue sawing through her bone and once she's past it she'll work her way into her soft tissue until her leg falls to the ground with a loud thud. Everything around her will only be blood and the last thing she'll see is Camilas smile at her, saw in hand and clothes bloody.

Lauren starts to believe that's what'll happen once they get inside the cabin and just seeing the cabin a few steps away it's enough to make her stomach churn painfully. Her body shaking uncontrollably and she falls to her knees. Tears sting her eyes while Camila roughly pulls her up.

Lauren is hyperventilating as Camila now drags her and any contents that Lauren stomach had is now emptied on the dirt right in front of her. Camila looks away in disgust. And she vomits again the disgusting liquid stinging her throat and leaving a bad after taste.

Could she be in worse conditions? She's filthy, dried blood on her skin, dirt and now vomit...

She doesn't know what's going to happen now, but remembering what her captor did to her last time it makes her start pleading.

"Please, please" tears roll down her cheek and Camila just shakes her head.

"No more pleads, you have brought this upon yourself"

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