Camellia Blooms - THIRTEEN

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How does it feel to start things all over again?

You know the feeling of Deja Vu where you already experience this part?

Will it frustrate me to no end? Or will it prove that my patience is large?

I wonder how it feels to do everything again, how you can transform into a sudden know it all guy in just a single snap.

Ah, how would it feel?


Junior high.


How frustrating.

To think that I experienced it before, and now, I'm gonna experience it again.

Now that I knew all of the things that's supposed to happen in this time, I feel less nervous and more bored.

It's more of like an adventure to me, seeing the familiar hallways, the stern teachers that always point out our wrong doings and the rules.

Ha! They're much more gentler compared to my boss's scoldings!

School was like a prison for the younger me, and now, experiencing it in with an adult mind, I felt much more relaxed.

I still need to go to a well known University, so I will still do my best to learn everything. Smiling while I walk through the noisy hallways that always made the timid me scared, I felt a bit ridiculous.

This teens are just going to become either successful or not, and even if they did become one of that, life would still go on.

"You don't look scared" Yuu state which made me stop in my tracks.

Right, I was accompanied with Yuu. My earlier actions must have confused him.

We were living in the same street and his house is just a 10 minute walk from my house to his.

And my mother is a real worry wart and told Yuu to take care of me.

"Well, I think school is school. It's not as scary as life is, right?"

"What?" He was further confused by my words and I just laughed at his face.

"You won't understand" I vaguely said and open the classroom door.

And right there and then, my school life has started.


Hi! Just a glimpse of what she thinks about school in her younger and older version.

Hope to see more of your votes and comments, thank you!


Thank you!

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