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Jason's POV

I heard Leo yell, “Somebody help me!” I sighed and looked around, everyone else just went back to their business. I should do that to, but want if he's actually in trouble?! Hero got the best of anger and off I went to save him.

You see, Leo and I aren't one the best of turns. I may um.... May have kissed a girl that wasn't pretty Piper. But she didn't mean anything to me! I don't know why I did it and Leo saw me do it. He freaked out, scaring Mia away! Ya, I think that's her name!? He told me he was going to tell Piper, and I really didn't want that to happen. I kissed a girl before and Piper found out. She said, “If this happens again, I'm breaking up with you!”

I pleaded to Leo. He hasn't said anything yet.

I flew towards Bunker 9. And kinda smashed through the window. What I saw was weird. “Oh, I'll just go now”, I said. “JASON! HELP ME! SHE RAPING ME!!!!” I immediately flew and picked up the girl who was raping Leo. I flew up and up. She struggled and said, “Let me down! He likes it!” Leo got some clothes on and I realized I was holding a naked girl. Um, I kinda dropped her.

I was only like 9 feet in the air! She dropped on a table and passed out. Leo sighed and said to me, “Thanks man. I miss having my best friend around, friends?” He held his hand out, I shook it gladly. I pointed to the girl, “Who's she?” He looked at me, “You don't wanna know”

Harley's POV

I learned Alex was really nice! She showed me around camp, and showed me some of her friends. I forgot about Leo and Ari. Currently, we were at the beach. “So, do you know Leo”, I asked. “

“No, sorry”

“Thanks okay” Suddenly a bell rang. Alex said, “DINNER! Follow me!” She ran and I followed. When we got to this dinner place, she pushed me to two twins. “Wha?” I said. They smiled and one said, “Man, she's hot.” I gasped and the other laughed, “Hahaha! Conner!”

Conner? Blushed bright red and said, “Did I say that out load?!” I nodded slowly. 

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